Just felt like writing about living in New Jersey!

It's 9:11 pm right now on the east coast and everytime i see that combination of numbers I get a little freaked out. I don't know if that's weird, if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I guess it's a good thing in the sense that it reminds me to not take for granted the freedoms we enjoy everyday, the freedoms that have helped shape this country into what it is today.

We have a long way to go, but the USA is definately a force for good in the world. Our semi-newly elected govenor has won his first big political battle. Mr. Jon Corzine, a mid-westerner who's been living in NJ since '75 (and I look it like this, if you move TO NJ and stick around for 15 years--you might just qualify as a true Jersey-boy) Just recently Cozine issued a government shut down because he wanted to raise the sales tax from 6% to 7% and he couldn't get his fellow democrats to agree on the budget proposal. I'm not a fan of a 7% sales tax but when the state's budget is completely out of line--you've got to do what it takes to remedy the problem, even if it's going to sting for a while.

The party is over and it's time to sober up New Jersey. You might be wondering what this has to do with real estate. Well, one of the issues that the govenor ran on was the state's insane property taxes and now I'm wondering if he is going to really do something about it. We have the highest property taxes (I'd prefer quality of life, but hey) in the country and it's beyond the point of ridiculous. If services must be cut, so be it.

When I speak with some of my clients and I tell them that the taxes alone will cost $833 a month they go into cardiac arrest. Now as the market turns, inventory sits longer and rates go up perhaps getting our property taxes corrected will help families maintain some ground and hopefully get ahead.


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