John's Subject-to Manual Does Not Work.

Yep, that's right.

I've had the manual for about a month or so now and I've tried almost everything.

I have now quit placing the manual under my pillow every night before I go to sleep....hoping a deal would have taken place when I awake.
RESULT: Didn't work

Just the other night when it was storming, I scurried outside, ran to an open field & held the manual as high as I could. Maybe a lightning bolt would strike and I would have a deed, $6,000 from a downpayment, and an extra $200 + ca$hflow in my bank account. I checked the following day...nope.
RESULT: Didn't work

After this, I decided to go "driving for dollars" and maybe I could find a desperate seller wanting to deed me his or her house.
So, I grabbed my car keys and ran out the door --- along with the manual.
I realized I had virtually NO gas as a result of doing doughnuts in the Wal-Mart parking lot the previous night .
I didn't feel like "walking for dollars".
A light bulb went off!
I placed the manual on the ground, put my left foot on it and pushed off with my right foot.
Needless to say, the manual sucks as a skate-board.
RESULT: Didn't work.

A few days later and a tank full of gas, I was on my way...burning a trail throughout the various neighborhoods.
I found a house that was for sale.
I parked my car and walked up to the door--with my manual of course.

A man opened the door...said, "Can I help ya there?"
I was like, "Yeah, your house for sale, mister?"
"Why yes it i---" SMACK!!!!
I wacked the dude up-side the head with the manual. I anticipated he would give me his deed so I could be on my way...
Consequently, I was told to leave the premises...without the deed. Heck, I didn't even see the deed after I had wacked him.
RESULT: Didn't work

After many failed attempts, I decided, "What the heck... I might as well go ahead and read it...see what it has to say..."

Well, after reading the manual continuously and MEMORIZING what I was told to, I placed necessary ads to attract motivated sellers.
My phone has been ringing off the hook as a result.
I expect to help a few folks out with TONS of equity who are way desperate.
Hmmmm.... this seems to be the path to take.
RESULT: I'll tell ya later...

Just because you buy a book or course, DOES NOT mean you'll be "sittin' pretty" with loads of cash coming in.

A COURSE/BOOK + you doing nothing (or outlandish things like I did) = no $

A COURSE/BOOK + you getting out there and doing some WORK and applying yourself
[*MIGHT*]= some $

Which formula are you going to follow?

Best of luck to ya,

P.S. Get John's works if you do!


  • fauche6511th August, 2003

    Really Good Stuff.


  • JohnLocke10th August, 2003



    John $Cash$ Locke

  • jorge12110th August, 2003

    great post. funny stuff. J

  • GoldenRetriever10th August, 2003

    Super great post, but can somemone tell me what ROTFLMAO means?

    Can I bird dog for you, with your sense of humor, you can't lose.


  • justmjc10th August, 2003

    VERY interesting topic! I like it! There was probably no better topic to catch someone's eye, make someone laugh, and make a very good point all at the same time. Good job and good luck!

  • c-brainard10th August, 2003

    Ok, that made me giggle

    ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A..(rear) Off


  • maw11th August, 2003

    As always. Books are there for ideas but the deal is made by a motivated person. Keep motivated and never stop trying.

  • conflix11th August, 2003

    funny post... that was hilarious... especially the skateboard... i thought you were serious in the beginning....

  • td11th August, 2003

    Great post, and funnnnny!!!


  • Ichabod11th August, 2003

    I'm glad everyone enjoyed my story.
    I was expecting someone was gonna try to assassinate me just from the subject topic...

    Eventhough the thought ran through my head, I wasn't sweatin' it... I was gonna use the manual as a means of defense.

    True story

    All the best,

  • stormblade17th August, 2003

    Another experience like Ichabod,

    I understand what you mean - when you say that John $Ca$h Lockes Sub To book doesn’t work. I experienced the effects myself the day before yesterday.

    When the mail arrived and my book came - I was on cloud nine! I just new that right away the people who were motivated sellers would come breaking down my door.

    Well, I waited for an entire weekend and nothing happened. Boy was my motivation flagging.

    I listened to my Tony Robbins tapes again and got my motivation back into the green area instead of the red, but still no sellers.

    Ok, I decided that I need to take action and went in search of motivated sellers. It seems that there are none left in my area. I asked at least fourty people who lived in moderate houses whether I could buy their house "Subject To…". Surprisingly enough, they had no idea what I was talking about.

    After that traumatic experience, I decided maybe I should read the book. So I did that.

    Once again I went out in my area and asked some more people (armed with the knowledge in John's book and my yellow pad). Well, I have to agree with Ichabod, his book just does not seem to work in my area.

    So I wrote John an e-mail asking for advice. He sent me a polite note and told me that maybe if I made my presentations in Arabic instead of in English, the customers might be interested.

    You see at this time I live about 5KM outside Baghdad and it seems that his Subj To book just does not work here, but on the bright side - it seems that I am the proud owner of three goats, two mud huts and might be engaged to this rather large Iraqi woman, who's face I have never seen.

    Be careful what you ask for - you just may get it.


  • Ichabod17th August, 2003

    You live in Iraq?

    A SAND-wich lease option would might work better in your area.

    I don't do them cuz everyone tells me not I don't.

    You know, if I had known you owned 3 goats about a month ago, I would have bought 'em from ya.

    See, I drag-race goats for a livin'. True, they're probably better suited for off-road racing, but if you train 'em right & run 'em through a systemized program, you'd be surprised.
    But that career has tapered off quite a bit since I've owned John's manual.

  • joecrane1st May, 2005


    Thought I was the only one reading from Iraq! I am 40 K north of Baghdad right now.

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