John Create Monsters

I got this in my PM inbox this morning. I'll post what he says in response to my questions. I just pretty much asked who it was and how it all happened.


Sent: 2004-04-27 23:47
quick question

Hi Derrick,

I apologize for the IM, but i have a question I did not want to post in the forum. I am extremely new to sub2. I had an offer from someone who said they would go over John Locke's manuals, get me a couple of really quick deals and show me the hands on things I need to do. All for $5,000. What are your thoughts? Is John course thorough enough along with his support to get me started?
Once again, I apologize for the IM



  • nebulousd28th April, 2004

    And believe me, I'm not the one to hate on someone's hustle....but $5K.....come one now.

    Oh the things people will do for money.

  • nebulousd28th April, 2004

    part 2

    I dont want to say who, but I was pointed in their direction by someone who is extremely reputable. I had asked the reputable person if he could tell me who in my area is actively doing subject to so I could pick their www.brain.The person who I met in my area said he would go over JL'S course with me. He also mentioned he had realtors, accountants and attorneys I could use plus be there if I needed any advice.
    Derrick you are the second person I spoke with and got the same exact result.

    Thanks for your input
    On 2004-04-28 07:14, nebulousd wrote:
    who offered this. That's a bunch of crap if you ask me.

    Did you approach them or did they approach you?

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