John Locke's Course


After reading this and other message boards for a couple of weeks, I've decided to pursue REI via sub-2s. And I've also decided that John Locke's course is the way to go.

Now, can someone tell me if the full course ($700) is worth it compared to just the book ($200)? Has anyone here bought the full course and then said to themselves, "I should just have bought the book." Has anyone just bought the book and been able to go right out and start sub-2ing properties?

I'm not against shelling out the extra money for the full course if it's worth it, I just want to see what others think.

BTW, I am a total newbie to REI.



  • bstevens6th February, 2004

    I beleive John has sold over 630 of the $189 courses on this website (I just purchased myself) I think your best bet is to e-mail John. Figure out what you want out of the course(s). And see what fits your needs best. Good luck

  • Goose_man6th February, 2004

    I bought the course..

    I found it to be excellent and worth every penny. If you are new to the REI world and are looking for a great start I HIGHLY recommend the full course.

  • nebulousd6th February, 2004

    If you are a total newbie as you say you are, I would buy the course. It takes you from what PITI is all the way to how to do a closing when you sell. It is very orderly and the step-by-step process is made simple. He really is teaching you as opposed to.........let me record myself talking to a bunch of people at my boot camp and sell it. Oh and by the way, here is a manual to go along with these tapes. Don't bother trying to read along in the manual with tapes because the manual structure is totally different from how I decided to teach that day. Good Luck.

    His stuff is worth it and I think you get the manual with the course. You'll be glad you bough it.

    I did the online course which included weekly conference calls. You'll be getting what I got minus the conference calls. But then again, you get his telephone number so call him on your own.

  • Ryno-n-AZ7th February, 2004

    Hi Greg,

    I bought the first manual about 8 weeks ago. After reading it and turning it over in my mind for a while, I decided to buy the rest of the course.
    It is incredible! You get 3 more books, a bunch more cds. I haven't had a chance to get all the way through the material yet, but what I have seen is already moving me further along than just the first book.
    Jump on his site, and jump on the wagon!



  • rup11th February, 2004

    Maybe CA$H should offer an "upgrade" price to people who have purchased the manual and then decide to get the course. Give them $100 or $150 credit.

    What do you think Mr. Locke?


  • chriseaker11th February, 2004

    I bought the manual and the course, but I can tell you that if you are totally new, you would probably be better off with the course. The manual assumes you know some about investing to begin with. But I know several people who have done deals with just the manual. I even know people who've learned from Locke and done deals even before the manual came out.

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