John Locke's Bird Dog E-book

Hey Guys, How's everybody? I just purchased John's e-book and it has some good tips in it, but I must say it's still not enough to get you started with the whole birddoggin thing, I mean who knows where to find the potential properties and what to look for? confused


  • way_motivated25th June, 2003

    all you have to do is find a good deal. you can do this a number of ways including those ways documented in the ebook (signs, ads, etc...)...find a good deal first then money won't be too hard to find....look up your local REI club info and start networking from there try to have some sort of deal that you're looking to pass on, people will take you more seriously....

  • JohnLocke25th June, 2003


    First you find investors and what they are looking for, they will tell you.

    Now you start marketing the way the book shows you to. When you get the leads you turn them over to the investors.

    To help you Joel Webb the owner here at TCI is putting together a REI Bird Dog site for me, this site will be for those of you that have made the investment in my E-Book, The good part too is that all my Subject To investors will have access to the board, so you can post deals, ask questions, whatever you need to help get you rolling.

    As far as right now goes if you have some questions private email me or post here, it has never been said that I will not help you or support you in your Bird Dogging career.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • bj296425th June, 2003

    Thanks a lot guy's, I don't regret buying your material and I really appreciate the added dimention of there being a live person that is willing to help on the other end.

    JohnLocke for president... hip, hip, hurra!

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