John Locke- I ordered your e-book download?

Hi John Locke, I just ordered your e-book. But where I do i go for download? I can't find the most recent receipt.
Thanks confused


  • bginvestor21st January, 2003

    The download should be on your login page.. By the way, I ordered an e-book on this site and it did not download correctly. Joel had to email it directly , Thay have a known problem. Just ahead up!


  • Fuside21st January, 2003

    Someone please email it to me. I can't even find the place where you download.

  • bginvestor21st January, 2003


    Ok, on your login page, look for a small link that has your receipt number. Click on that receipt number and it will take you to a page where you can click and download the ebook.

    Good Luck,


  • JohnLocke21st January, 2003

    To All,

    Joel informed me that on certain browsers there is a glich. He is working on it, so if you have a problem just e-mail Joel he will get you a copy.

    We need to get you the book quick so you can make some Big Bucks, I understand.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • Fuside21st January, 2003

    What is Joel's email address?
    Thanks for the help ^^

  • Bonnie23rd January, 2003

    Hi All! I just ordered John Locke's Bird Dog ebook. It shows I downloaded it, but it did not open up. Where do I get it? Thanks. I am looking forward to a great year!! I had to take a hiatus for a few months. Now I am back! It's great to be reading all the success stories on the forums!! Thanks....Bonnie

  • JohnLocke23rd January, 2003


    Send Joel an email about what happened, he will immediately send you the secret decoder ring to open the e-book.

    Joel, said one browser may have a problem so he will help you, we will get it resolved. Let me know Bonnie.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • Bonnie23rd January, 2003

    Thanks John. Just got finished emailing Joel. I can't wait for the secret decoder ring!!!

    I was just now reading up on your 'subject tos' etc. I am probably going to being putting those to work soon. I will be asking for help!! I am really thrilled to be back. I am really looking forward to working w/ ya'll again. Thanks for your quick response. This entire site is a goldmine! Thanks for everything! Bonnie

  • Mayritz20th February, 2003

    John, I got your email! Thank you for your quick response. I can't wait to start reading your E-book! Thanks again.

  • leftrn225th February, 2003

    I have also had a problem with my download of the e-book. Have e-mailed them. Hope to hear from them soon.

    I have to say I am very impressed with your posts. You have said that to many of us have a lack of focus. I have had that myself. I believe it comes from the fear of not knowing enough and that we will make a mistake. We will make mistakes, but not unless we get out there and try.


  • JohnLocke25th February, 2003


    Glad to meet you.

    When you make an investment in my Course or E-Book you make an investment in me to do everything in my power to help you succeed.

    Welcome on board this board, you will enjoy or community here at TCI.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • joel25th February, 2003


    The download works perfectly with Internet Explorer 6.0 and Internet Explorer 5.5.

    Using Mozilla, Netscape, and Internet Explorer 5.0 you will have to add a .zip extention on the EBook when it prompts you where to save it.

    All you really need to do is follow the directions on your receipt page. And when you have the chance, please go to and make sure you have the latest and greatest browser IE 6.0

  • leftrn225th February, 2003

    Have got it. Thanks!!!


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