John Beck

Has anyone used or reviewed the John Beck "Free and Clear" system? oh oh


  • MichaelMedwed19th February, 2004

    I actually ordered it, and I have reviewed some of it as well. It seems to be a fairly good source. Although I havent read everything, it also seems to be a good start to at least gain introductory knowledge of tax liens/deeds.

    I'm not sure how great of a resource it is in terms of the nitty gritty information you can learn from reading posts here.

    That's my take on it. But truth be told I should read it all and much more carefully.

  • donhrithik20th February, 2004

    I have ordered it, I am a newbie too. I have seen a post in which they were recommending to use JohnBeck to learn about tax lein stuff. I am excited I am waiting for the package to arrive.

  • snatchsoft22nd February, 2004

    I've received it, and I hate to tell you this but some of the info is not only out of date but not as comprehensive as doing a search by ones own self.

    Admittedly, I found a couple of resources in the PDF files included on the CDs that I couldn't find on my own, but there were also dead links, changed phone numbers and so forth.

    For instance, they talk about a California lein law that "will be instituted in 2002" meaning a future tense, which indicates they have't printed any new books for a couple of years.

    And when I talk about not being comprehensive, I'm talking about a couple of counties here and there in their books and manuals, just giving examples of what can be done, but no lists of contacts for all 3000+ counties and providences, IE; here in MD, they only talk about the tax sales in Montgomery county, but nothing about harford, howard, baltimore, cecil, AA, wicomoco and so on. I had to do the footwork for those myself. I was able to compile a list of contacts for 12 counties here in MD by myself and have found out when and where each tax sale is being held, with rules of sale, contacts for each treasury commsioner, lists of past sales to gauge what I can expect and so on.

    I have to give credit for what I did get though, I did learn quite a bit about the lein process and what I can expect from the sales, so there's an up side to all this.

    BTW, shipping is $14 making the total cost around $50, no overnight or anything, no saftey packaging, just this dinky 8"x12"x2"box with a couple of books(30 page pamphlets) a tape that runs like the infomercial, and a couple of CDs including one with their pep-talk infomercial.

    * * out of * * * * *

  • paulabe71322nd February, 2004

    The info is outdated and not really very beneficial. The next call you will get will be from their mentor program, and take my word for it, they're gonna hit you up for the big bucks. Run, don't walk away from this guy!!

  • pucx24th February, 2004

    i agree its great for getting started but it can be frustrating. me i recently posted a few questions on this forum. they are things i realy want to know the answers too but i just havent been able to find the answers too. my advice in using the system is that its great in getting you started and opening your eyes the the possiblity but unless you qulaify for one of their personal "tutors" then its decently helpful but far from comprihensive. in most cases it says "consult local laws" which is what im trying to do but no one will tell me the specific info i havent been able to find and that is important to my unique situation!!

    so yes it is worthwile in getting started but i find its format to leave much to be desired i personaly would prefere if it just went state by state and told you everything you needed to know about that state so you can get started. my current stratagy is to master my home state and expand from there so talking about iowa and texas realy doesnt help me whos trying to master ohio.

    just stuff to think about

    mike the newbie trying to gain a safe place.

  • pejames25th February, 2004

    Everyone also needs to understand, you get what you pay for...I am sure the links change and some of the info changes, but for the price, it is a great place to start from. Good luck

  • biller129th February, 2004

    Boy you are right about that! I'm embarrased to admit it, but I got a call from a fast talkling salesman from the mentoring program & was stupid enough to give him my credit card info. Would you believe $9,500 for this? He made it sound so great!! He said we would be making 6 to $10,000 in 30 to 60 days buying tax liens & it would be a six figure income as time went on, and how they only pick certain people for these success teams. After we hung up I got on the web & put John beck's name in & infomercial ****Must Reach Freshman Investor status before posting URL's*** came up with all kinds of stories from other peoples dealings with this company. I tried to cancel this the next day & guess what? They said NO! We have you on a recorded line saying you will not quit, you will stick with this. I put in a dispute with my credit card company & probably won't get anywhere, so if anyone calls from the John Beck tax lien mentoring program hang up before you get taken like we did! This guy was a real pro & we were real stupid for falling for such crap!! If you could make as much money as they say, why aren't they doing it ?? If there is money to be made in tax liens, I am no longer interested!! But I will take this to the attorney general or where ever I have to go to fight this for however long it takes!! These people are probably laughing all the way to the bank!!

  • pattons2nd March, 2004

    biller1 - remember this - by law you have 3 days to cancel a contract in most states -
    if you paid for the service and it is not what they said it was you can go after them in court. I would make them give you everything that was promised on the phone for the money they charged you and then if you don't/didn't get what you paid for take them to court.

  • GlennI2nd March, 2004

    Also be aware that there is a company called Trinity Consulting Services out there that markets this material along with "coaching".

    They start off at $10,000 (platnium level)
    upon pressing they will also offer
    a $5,000 (gold level) and a $2,500 (silver level). For that you get (supposedly) access to John Becks weekly call in line, a telephone intro session and a call line for questions for 30/60/90 days.

    The supposed big selling point is a network of trained bird dogs (silver level) and investors (platnium level) who call in and discuss deals.

    I didn't go for it as I felt I can use that money for RE investments on my own.
    They are pretty hard sell, so buyer beware.

  • pucx4th March, 2004

    wow... man it never ceases to amaze me that he who follows his (or her) instincts is often not wrong!

    i quite recently got the jhon beck program and i have to agree that it is a good place to start, yes some links are dead but some arent and if your clever about it you can find some good links for yourself (i found a couple that are real interesting to me)

    but i had a question and i still have a few question but sooner or later i will answer these questions if by no other reason but trial and errot... anyway thats not my point for writing so i'll get back to the point!

    anyway just after i ordered the system my girlfriends company she was working for went out of bussiness and she was laid off without a words notice. well, i recived the information not longer after that and i called them to get my question answered. well... needless to say they couldnt anser my question, instead they wanted to set me up with a coach...

    if you read the above posts by the unfortunate person that posted above i was made the same promises as they were!

    "were looking for show case sucsesses.... limited program with trainers.... need to know your dedicated...

    need about $5000 to get started... can't go wrong... "

    the difference is that I"M BROKE as i said my girlfriend and a large part of my income is unimplyed! my one and only credit card is maxed out! lol

    he kept sugesting i use OPM."Other peoples money" i told him that i would see what i could do and ended it there.

    well i havent been soured about tax liens yet, i have done enough independent research and seen too much. there is money to be made if you have the right tools and you trust the one person who wont lead you wrong... YOU.

    well durring my information search i found a site that offered various property list. it seemed interesting they were charging a reasonable amount for the lists (like 10 bucks each)

    well yesterday i had a guy from it call me and try to sell me the same pitch as the beck people!

    and got the same response (IM BROKE)
    and i was given the same respones "OPM" .... he also told me to do something that is obviously dishonest...

    me i was a telimarketer i understand them. most arent bad people and are only doing their job. me i was only doing my job, i wasn trying to cheat people... just pay my bills.

    but... the sales pitches just didnt feel right to me, i asked the guy who called me yesterday a blunt and point blank question that he subtley dodged....

    "what in it for you? whats your stake in this?"

    and he didnt anwser me!

    well the point of my story is that i listened carefully i didnt jump into it and in the end i trusted my instincts... i couldnt understand their motives... and now i understand why!

    the reason they wouldnt tell me their motives is its PROBABLY A SCAM!! TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS!! if it doesnt sound right it probably isnt! so whoever made the post about their disaster with the "trainers" THANKS!!!


  • Jelp7th March, 2004

    I recieved John Becks program last week, read it and had a couple questions I called their toll free # and of course no one could answer my questions. Then I got a call from this nasty, high pressure salesman who said that if I didn't go for their coaching service-to the tune of $9,500 I was stupid and never going to be rich. I told him I already am rich and would rather put the money towards my own investments. He then called me a lair and hung up on me. The "program" is now in the box on it's way back to Mr. Beck. Anybody think he wil make good on his 30 day money back guarentee?

    Just a follow up on the above. Surprisingly, we recieved our refund from John Beck in record time. So, apparently they do honor their 30 day MBG.
    In addition, I decided to contact my local tax collectors office about tax certificates and she told me to come in and talk. She spent an hour with me explaining who to call, what they are, how to do them, what the auction will be like and what the potential risks are. She even showed me an actual certificate and explained the redemption period and/or forclosure procedures. This free one hour taught me more than any system, book, tape or paid mentor ever could have.
    The first tax sale in my area is in May and I feel confident enough to attend the auction and hopefully get a chance to bid. [ Edited by Jelp on Date 04/05/2004 ]

  • pucx8th March, 2004

    there is SOME useful information in all of the other stuff. some so for me, i'll be keeping the info but hey... if you want to get your money back... more power to ya!

    just hope it doesnt get "lost in the mail"


  • Lufos8th March, 2004

    I would appreciate any telephone numbers you have on this John Beck Scam. Is the service organization in Salt Lake City? I think their participation is about one half of the strike.

    I may up date the Book of Scams and this time not limit it to Law Enforcement only. Sooo in my limited free time I have started calling into the various ones now active. There are many. Frankly dear friends just go to the Forums and research whatever you are interested in.

    If you are going to do shorts, and spins and flips etc etc. You must first know the exact procedure of a foreclosure in your state and where in your county are the documentation and how to access. You really have to take a little time off and hang around the court house. Buy some of the hangers on Lunch. You will be amazed what you will learn. You might check and get close to the local reporter who reports on the courts. Get to know a Clerk or two. Check the wicket (recording) and get to know the people. Once you have the first names the place will be yours. You might even pretend to seek employment. Its a fun game. Yes it is basic live human intelligence. Do it.


  • DealerJo8th March, 2004


    Sometime you got to make another step forward and buy yet another mentoring program before you can succeed in new mentor based RE. Perhapsthe better one for $7,500 this time? Peter Conti and David Finkel got their Hawaii mentoring program on sell now for $25,000... maybe you should check it out. I went last year and it was a real blast. After I returned home, I bought(steal) 2 rental buildings with 28 units making me $3,800 cash every month. This year again I want to attend another one of their camps before I forget what I learned last year.

    othing is forever I guess but the rule of tomb still apply, the less people sign-up, the higher the price would be so hurry up if you got the room on your card. Put all the best seminars on your list and on the credit card and maybe that next bootcamp would be the right one for you. I spent tens of thousands before I realized I have to use my own head and do my own research in my aria to make money but the seminars helped me realize that for sure.

    Anyway, those credit cards, (most mentoring programs teach), are not your money. If it come to that, you file the bankruptcy right after you buy that course on how to avoid it.

    Good luck! [ Edited by DealerJo on Date 03/08/2004 ]

  • Dersu9th March, 2004

    On 2004-03-08 03:20, Lufos wrote:
    I would appreciate any telephone numbers you have on this John Beck Scam. Is the service organization in Salt Lake City? I think their participation is about one half of the strike.

    I may up date the Book of Scams and this time not limit it to Law Enforcement only. Sooo in my limited free time I have started calling into the various ones now active. There are many. Frankly dear friends just go to the Forums and research whatever you are interested in.

    If you are going to do shorts, and spins and flips etc etc. You must first know the exact procedure of a foreclosure in your state and where in your county are the documentation and how to access. You really have to take a little time off and hang around the court house. Buy some of the hangers on Lunch. You will be amazed what you will learn. You might check and get close to the local reporter who reports on the courts. Get to know a Clerk or two. Check the wicket (recording) and get to know the people. Once you have the first names the place will be yours. You might even pretend to seek employment. Its a fun game. Yes it is basic live human intelligence. Do it.


    Hi Lucius dear fellow,

    For the past month I have been doing Exactly that! Going to the tax office and creating a file on each property I have found (by driving around). Yesterday I did offer to take a title abstractor to lunch and gave a brilliant clerk a sunburn remedy! Alliances! They are so helpful and I guess luck is a factor..

    Lucius, I enjoy your posts which generate approachable learning curves and sudden eruptions of laughter which fills up the dark corners such that my cats leap up in alarm...and glare.

    BTW I am going to look at plat maps this pm. there's a lot of land for sale.
    Also...and this is really for another forum,
    I used to be a tentmaker...and did a lot of sailing...long back...I keep having a mental picture of sail-like roof coverings...parasol in function...aerodynamic and ellyptical in design. It gets damn hot here on the mesolith. 'hotter than a black vinyl carseat in hell'

    OK, later, Capitan


    <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_lol.gif"> [ Edited by Dersu on Date 03/09/2004 ]

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