??-John Beck 'Free & Clear'-??

Has anyone seen the late night infomercial of John Beck's 'Free & Clear' system about how to buy real estate free & clear by just paying the back taxes?
If you have seen it, have you purchased it?
Why/why not?
What have you heard about it?
If you have purchased it does it work?
Was it a wise investment?
Are there any other Tax Lien packages similar that you would recomend?

Any help with this topic would be greatly appreciated,

Jorgan Cattin


  • 10th April, 2003

    I have not seen it but i believe he is talking about buying tax lien certificates. Theres a little more to it than just getting the property "Free & Clear" by buying a lien, although they do make good investments if you know what your doing.

    I recommend buying
    "The 16% Solution" by Joel Moskowitz

    Its less than $20 and gives some good info on tax lien investments.

  • jcattin10th April, 2003

    Do you know where this book is sold?

  • Shirleygirl10th April, 2003

    The John Beck package is absolutely awesome! I saw it on infomercial & purchased it and have gone through the entire program. For the money $80, it was very informative. One book of the package explains every state and the laws and information on how to acquire tax lien certificates or tax deeds. Another book in the package gives the how to - to get tax lien certificates and tax deeds with state examples. There is a book and a CD disc that gives all the counties in the US that are on-line and friendly and can get further information. The CD disk is worth the money alone as it speeds up your research time - a map of the USA comes up, click on a state/county and it directly links you to the website. The videos were informative, the only book that I wasn't interested in was the mail in tax liens. Now I'm purchasing liens in one county and tax deeds in another. This program has saved me money, and hours of research! Good bang for the buck as I have spent $5000 on other programs and boot camps. - Shirleygirl.

  • jcattin10th April, 2003


    Congratulations on your sucess in this area of investing.

    Is it really possible when he shows you how to purchase properties free and clear for only a few hundred dollars?

    Have you ever done this?

    Could you please share a sucess story from your own investment career that was made possible through the John Beck"free & clear" program?

    What did you dislike about the 'deeds by mail' section of the program?

    Thanks for all of your help Shirley,

    Jorgan Cattin

  • Shirleygirl11th April, 2003

    John Beck's tax liens and deeds by mail, fully cautions you to the disadvantages by not being there in person. You can get a catalogue of listings of properties that are upcoming for a county's tax lien auction. You then can submit a bid by mail. However, buyer beware - you must research the property carefully and get legal advice to title and what you are doing & getting into. At least if you have done your research and you are attending the auction, you have control of the amount of money you want to spend.

    No property is free, nor is it clear in every instance. However there are states that offer clear title.

    I am attending my first auction this month. I have also researched your state, I was there last month in person.

    For more information and details, email me at shirleygirl@iceman.ca as I don't want to post a lengthly message....

  • jcattin14th April, 2003


    Keep us posted on your sucess with the John Beck 'Free and Clear' system. We would all like to kow how everything turns out!

    Anyone else have any success stories with this program?

    Thanks for all of your help.

    Jorgan Cattin

  • TimC22nd April, 2003

    Hey all,

    New here and I to am interested in real estate. It seems to me that John Beck shows you how to payoff a tax lien in exchange for a tax deed in your name. However, any other liens or mortgages (?) against the property then become your headache as well, right? Or am I wrong about that?

  • tnerock10th June, 2003

    I would like the answer to this question also? Could I realistically start out with $1000? Thanks in advance!

  • 007investor10th June, 2003

    Hello all,
    New to the website and to REI. Looking forward to making lots of $$$$ in REI.
    Regarding the tax liens and starting with $1000. I have done lots of research ont his subject b/c i think it seems like good place to start. Yes you can start w/ $1000. just find and research the property you want and bid on the lien. They run from a coulple hundred to $20,000. You all should go and chech out the site called www.taxliens.org and read all the info under all the roman numerals. Gives great basic info on tax liens. Gives more indepth detail in the book you can purchase. Have not purchased it yet waiting for paycheck. BUT CHECK THAT SITE OUT. very helpfull. Any one from georgia that has done this before. looking for guidance. Thanks 007

  • hperiman22nd June, 2003

    I have just started the John Beck program, and it's rally not possible to start with $1000.00. First after you buy the information for $30.00 you may or may not get enough info to start in your state. There are only a couple of ideal states. You then get a phone call asking your to pay $7000.00 for coaching, giving your the real info you need. I am trying the program, and yes it cost me $7000.00. I have high expectations I let you know. Also I have found that most desirible properties cost more than $1000.00, plus need a little work before you can flip them for a prophiet.

  • drokefe122nd June, 2003

    I have purchased john becks system also it was refered to me by a friend. The system taught me what tax sales were but did not give any specifics on how to go about purchasing property at these sales.
    I live in massachusetts and the course barely mentions that state. However I know it can be done here because my friend has done it and does quite well with it. He has gone through the mentoring program and says it has payed
    for itself very quickly. But I have yet to get that far.

  • randable22nd June, 2003

    The link you gave. Does the information that they are selling (OVER PRICED!) say anything about the deed process in Alabama?

  • hperiman25th June, 2003

    All states are mentioned in the program, but I am not sure if your state is a deed state or a certificate state. Deed states are better for immediate return. Certificate states are good long term investments, because they yeild a high interest rate that is guaranteed.

  • AndreaDaczka30th June, 2003

    Hello All,
    Seen the ad last night and it seems to easy. He was selling it for $39.99. You can go to his website JohnBeck.tv and it will bring everything you order and free stuff too. I am planning to order after I have read some of the replys.
    Thanks for this site.

  • rishuz30th June, 2003

    Hello All. I am new to the forum and new to real estate investing (actually, I'm still in the learning stages). As such, I have a question regarding John Beck's course. I've read the initial post and all of the replies for this particular post. What I seemed to learn from everyone by reading the replies was that the John Beck material you get for the $39.99 is somewhat generic and you need to attend the follow-up course that costs $7,000 to really make it work for you. On the other hand, I also went to the taxliens.org website as suggested by another user. This website seemed very informative and very straightforward. The author just seemed to really lay it out there with factual information without all the glamour portrayed on John Beck's infomercial. You can buy the book on tax lien purchasing from this website and the CD Rom for about $500.00 total and it really seems you'll be able to learn everything you need to know with this material.

    My question is does anybody think it's worth it to just spend the $500.00 here instead of the $40.00 on John Beck's material and do you believe (or know) this to be a better starting point?

    Thanks in advance.

  • hibby7630th June, 2003

    Does the program address tax deed states?

    Also, I understand that about 98% of tax lien certificates get paid off. Does his system help you buy liens that are less likly to get paid off (so that you end up with the propert), or does he just not mention that you have to buy a lot of certificates to get one that's free and clear?

  • monies14th July, 2003

    On 2003-04-10 22:10, Shirleygirl wrote:
    The John Beck package is absolutely awesome! I saw it on infomercial & purchased it and have gone through the entire program. For the money $80, it was very informative. One book of the package explains every state and the laws and information on how to acquire tax lien certificates or tax deeds. Another book in the package gives the how to - to get tax lien certificates and tax deeds with state examples. There is a book and a CD disc that gives all the counties in the US that are on-line and friendly and can get further information. The CD disk is worth the money alone as it speeds up your research time - a map of the USA comes up, click on a state/county and it directly links you to the website. The videos were informative, the only book that I wasn't interested in was the mail in tax liens. Now I'm purchasing liens in one county and tax deeds in another. This program has saved me money, and hours of research! Good bang for the buck as I have spent $5000 on other programs and boot camps. - Shirleygirl.

  • Shirleygirl14th July, 2003

    On 2003-04-14 01:21, jcattin wrote:

    Keep us posted on your sucess with the John Beck 'Free and Clear' system. We would all like to kow how everything turns out!

    Anyone else have any success stories with this program?

    Thanks for all of your help.

    Jorgan Cattin

    Hey Jorgan, Just an update - I got 3 properties by tax deed, clear on title. .33 to .6 on the dollar compared to market value. One previous owner was glad to become my tenant (it is a duplex). Research pays off and tax deeds are fun!

  • taliu17th July, 2003

    Congrats on your success shirleygirl .If you don't mind me asking how much did you purchase the certificates or deeds for. I've have just recently bought the program and was wondering how much I'm gonna need to start out with.

  • allbusiness18th July, 2003

    I have purchsed the program myself. I received the phone call about coaching as well. To my knowledge when you pay off the taxes for a particular property and the homeowner doesnt pay you back within the alloted time given to them you then can apply for the deed to the property. Once the application goes through you now own the property free and clear from all liens that was on that property before hand.

  • dknj2318th July, 2003

    hi jcattin,
    i have this book if your interested. i will sell it to you shipped for $15.00
    email me if your interested

    its helpful if you like tax liens i prefer multi units instead

    On 2003-04-10 13:40, jcattin wrote:
    Do you know where this book is sold?

  • 18th July, 2003

    I bought this package for $39.00 on John Beck and I am still in the middle of reading it. My big thing is that I live in Kentucky and it doesn't give you alot of info on Kentucky. But for me just trying to get a grip on REI I have to say that it is helpful. But maybe that is because I don't know a whole lot about REI yet. It did give me enough insite to know who to contact about tax forfeited land in my area. But I have to say that this site is just as helpful the people here are wonderful!!!!

  • aybe20th July, 2003

    Is there anyone here from New York or Florida who has used this program and has had any luck with this?

  • tlcinvestor22nd July, 2003


    I did order and finish his course. For $50 or so bucks, it is well worth the money. I have read much information throught the Internet.

    A word of caution: When your course arrives, there will be a toll free number on it for people to get coaching. Do NOT use this coaching as it costs a lot of money and I checked the BBB in Utah and it came back BAD for the company. Otherwise, I would recommend the course to gain as much info on tlcs, etc. as possible.
    Today, I spoke with my attorney who happens to be an IRS and estate planning expert, and asked him about setting up LLCs as a way of protection against property that may have environmental or other problems. He said I had an excellent idea.

    More to come ....

  • serena99923rd July, 2003

    Shirleygirl, can you tell me in what state you purchased your tax lien properties? Does John Beck's program have a lot of information on California? Thanks.

  • BigBones23rd July, 2003

    Hello All

    I am new to the forum. I am not sure if anyone can help me out, but if someone can I would greatly appreciate it. I live in Canada and don't have the opprotunities here that my neighbours to the south have regarding tax lien certificates. I was wondering if anyone knows of any resources to find properties in Canada. One of the members did mention that in Vancouver they hold auctions for the certificates.

    I have done a little research about foreign ownership of the certificates, however I keep coming back to the same anwer "As long as you are entitled to purchase property in the United States" Does anyone know what these requirements might be (I am assuming this is likely a state matter).

    Thanks very Much


  • SteveSch24th July, 2003

    Hi BigBones,

    It seems some Countries restrict their citizens ownership of real estate. Most States could care less where you live.

    John Beck's course has some info about Canada.

    Call your local tax collector and start asking questions. They will know what's going on.


  • destro1st August, 2003

    I would like to hear some stories from canadian investors, I don't have much knowledge on this subject but would appreciate any and all advice.

  • Johnmv2nd August, 2003

    Maybe you all should check out some of the auctions out in your area and see how many people are already doing this before you waste any more time. Sounds like Beck's marketing people going on overdrive on this these days while real estate is the buz word.
    The pictures on the infomercial of the purchases were made many years ago when only a few people like me were doing this. It was easy when only a couple of people showed up bidding on many properties. Now you could have a large lecture hall or conference room full of 100+ people with standing room only. Anyone remember NaSDAQ in 1999 or Gold in 1980?

  • Johnmv2nd August, 2003

    Maybe you all should check out some of the auctions out in your area and see how many people are already doing this before you waste any more time. Sounds like Beck's marketing people going on overdrive on this these days while real estate is the buz word.
    The pictures on the infomercial of the purchases were made many years ago when only a few people like me were doing this. It was easy when only a couple of people showed up bidding on many properties. Now you could have a large lecture hall or conference room full of 100+ people with standing room only. Anyone remember NaSDAQ in 1999 or Gold in 1980?

  • maryjanel3rd August, 2003

    sounds like the program tells you in more detail what the tax lien is but doesnt walk you through how to do it. You have to pay $7,000 to learn that part. Am I understanding that right.

  • nick_crawley6th August, 2003

    i am just getting into this myself. i to have just bought the john beck package and also have done a lot of reading on the internet and have learned that if you keep going there are ways to do this with out paying $7000 i just think that is insane to pay someone that kind of money when you can learn that info for free.

  • jagman6th August, 2003

    I am a newbie and bought the package. I received it about a week ago. I found some of the info interesting and some of no value. By that I mean, even as a newbie I already knew some of this stuff.

    It did spark me to do some additional research and investigate some things I would not have otherwise, so I got the value from it.

    Would I recommend it, probably not. After I do my first deal I may feel differently but I don't think his methods is the dirstion I am going to start with.

  • 7th August, 2003

    I have recently purchased the "Free and Clear" program after reading some other possitive info about tax liens. Yesterday, I was contacted by a "mentor" to take part in an internet deal where I would pay $4,500 to "advertise online" a website that would be set up for me and then I would sell properties for John Beck below fair market value but above the $3000 wholesale price set by Beck. From various reviews of the "mentoring" I have a fairly negative opinion at this point of this opportunity. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Also, is it just me, or are there "moles" posting on this forum? I've seen on several different websites where someone complains about someone like John Beck or his products/services, someone (my theory is an employee of his company) will try to debunk these complaints with a Pollyanna-like defense. Has anyone else noticed this?

  • conflix7th August, 2003

    I own it, It cost $59 and it has been a priceless investment. I recommend it to anyone who is doing anything with real estate.

  • conflix7th August, 2003

    To add something else. If you know where to look, or how to look up things, you don't need John Beck. just do a search for tax lien sales or tax liens. put in your state and you should find what your looking for. that's basically what his program tells you, but he gives you direct sources. it was good for me because i knew nothing about this. but i've told you everything his course will, so enjoy.

  • StatHaldol8th August, 2003

    In my humble opinion, the best education is attending some of the sales in the state where you want to be active. I'm fairly new at TLC investing (3 years in Louisiana); and the most information I got was talking to other bidders at the sale. Most all of them are willing to answer questions. Get a good overview of way the bidding and system works, then make a long list of questions and find a good real estate attorney who knows about Tax Liens (you can get several names at the auction) and sit down with him/her for an hour...it may cost $150 or $200...but it's money well spent.
    I'm planning on branching out into Texas; I didn't know anything about the system in Texas so I called the sheriff's office and tax assesor's office and found out when the next sale was, I went last week and met an attorney there who bids on properties and got an hour's worth of education from him. I offered to pay and he refused...he just asked me to do business with him when I had to have a title opinion done....
    Good luck!
    Mike in Louisiana

  • hatover518th August, 2003

    I am going to order John Becks program I just wanted to know do you just buy properties or can you buy houses too pennies on the Dollar?

  • AntiScammer1st September, 2003

    John Beck's program is a loser and I say that in the since that this guy is just in the business to take your money. First he sucks you in with slick advertising and a few brochures and CD's, all contrived to get you to buy into his program. That will cost you thousands of bucks my friends for a "personal" counselor who gives out nothing but BS advise that you could pick up easily down at your local library.

    Once you realize you're being scammed then they'll have some other person call you (probably some joker calling himself "Jason Beck", John's so called brother) who'll try and stall you until they've gotton all the bucks out of your credit card account. Don't fall for this because it's hell getting back your money, I had to threaten them with lawsuits and was ready to call in the authorities to go after him for fraud before I got them to reverse the charges.

    So beware. <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_mad.gif"> [ Edited by AntiScammer on Date 09/01/2003 ]

  • keoki1st September, 2003

    Just make sure that whatever county you are interested in, that you double check the laws pertaining to tax certificates. John becks information is a little outdated, I know for a fact that the DC section of his book is wrong, the law was changed two years ago.

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