Joe Kaiser
Dose anyone know any thing about the GRU Joe Kaiser I am interested in his book The Mother of ALL Searches . But i do not know anything about him. Looking for best marketing strat in south florida. How to get motivated sellers to call me. :-(
Glad to meet you.
Joe certainly is a professional investor himself and projects this to others I have seen him come in contact with.
I would say he is on the good guys list as far as knowing his business about real estate investing.
John $Cash$ Locke
Agreed. Joe Kaiser doesn't sell fluff. Most of the stuff I've read about him and know about by discussions on other boards are aces.
Good Luck,
he spoke at our last R.E.I. meeting and i stayed and asked him a few questions. from what i know he pretty much sticks to high end property short sales. i know someone who has his course and said it was good, but they were also trying to sell it, so i dont know. he is very successfull and knows his stuff, but as far as his bootcamps go i've heard some bad stuff. JEB.
This is good information. Thanks