Jeff Kaller!!!!!

Is Jeff Kaller's pre-foreclosure course good enough to spend the $ 895.00 for it... ..Thanks for all your help.......


  • Birddog19th December, 2003

    The best "course" is listening and learning. You can go to book stores and spend 30 dollars on a good book for education. Myself, I cannot validate spending that much. But thats just me

  • Stockpro999th December, 2003

    Have bought and looked at several courses and will probably buy another one in the future as the market changes.
    The information is basically the same regardless of cost and format, the issue really is "does the course give you the self confidence needed to do the deal?"
    That is the main apppeal of "boot camps" you spend thousands to be bouyed up enough in spirit and confidence to get you to act and to do the deal. Which if it works was worth the money. However; the seminars I attended in the past and the books I bought differed very little in content.
    Your choice..

  • BAMZ10th December, 2003

    Hi mjdreal,

    Kaller has a good solid home study course. Is it a lot of money . . . yes. But so is the cost of not doing any deals!

    In his home study course, he also gives you a recording (on CD's) of a recent live seminar that he taught. I've studied his course only once, however I have listened to his live seminar on CD about 4 times!

    It is a significant investment, but it is well worth it!

    Best of Success!



  • mjdreal10th December, 2003

    Thank you for all your advise and input............................MD

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