Is This Too Wordy For A Flier?

Is this too complicated or wordy for a flier.


No Stipulations
-Just want out
-Behind in payments/taxes

Pretty houses
Ugly houses
Big and Small
I buy them all


Any input is greatly appreciated grin


  • honii11th October, 2004

    I don't think so...I've seen some a lot wordier than that! I think the layout also has a lot to do with how "wordy" it may appear on the flier..

    Just my opinion..


  • nickb11th October, 2004

    You know, I saw a conversation on this board somewhere else about flyers and bandit signs. I am a newbie, but have a ton of corporate marketing in my background and a word to the wise: Deliver what you say you are. In other words, if you are only looking for rehabs, then advertise that. If you say you can "Close quick" or do a "Cash" deal, then you better be able to come to the table with that. If you can't put your money where you mouth is, that word will get around quickly and it will hurt you.

  • Bruce13th October, 2004


    There is no right or wrong answer on ads or flyers, so everything is just opinion. So here is mine:

    I think your flyer needs a little work.

    After the heading the first topic is "No Stipulations". "No" is a negative word, so never start with No. Second "Stipulations" is a big word and the reader has no idea what you are talking about. The three points that follow have nothign to do with Stipulations; instead they are the reasons someone might want to/need to sell.

    I would flip the bottom half (Ugly, Pretty, etc.) to the top of the flyer.

  • jamieverkist13th October, 2004

    Thank you all for your reply's and advice. Some of the fliers I have been seeing are fairly simple as in I BUY HOUSES call xxxxxxx. I know that sometimes when I look at an advertisment I think to myself..They probably woudln't be interested in what I I wanted there to be no question. As far as what I am looking for I don't want to pass up any good deal...whether it be a If I find a deal thats worth going after I believe I can find some creative way to take it on or find someone that can. Bruce that does make more sense...thank you. Any marketing advice nick? grin Thank you all for your input...

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