Is This Time Of Year More Difficult To Get Renters?

This is actually my first winter in my rental career so just was wondering if other people have experienced difficulty getting renters in and around Christmas time, New Years and the colder season. All my rental properties have been rented except one has been vacant and can't seem to get it rented or even hardly any calls on it. I have already reduced the rent 25.00 per month to try to get someone in there. Any other ideas in which this would make the apartment stand out from others? Thanks.


  • Bobe735th January, 2005

    I have found that winter is harder. I have also found it particularly harder this year then in years past. After talking to other landlords, it seems to be the economy and the war etc. If the apartment is in good shape it is just a matter of time.

  • bgrossnickle5th January, 2005

    I do not have a long history, but I think that from November until after the refund checks are mailed (around the Super Bowl) is a bad time of year. I make all my leases terminate on July 31. There is no guarantee, but if they abide by the lease then I get to start marketing it June 30 which is ideal for my family type units.


  • rewardrisk5th January, 2005

    For me, between Thanksgiving and Feb. is a slow time to rent property. This year at this time the rental market is slower than other years. I have a vacancy; a single family home in a desireable area. I am getting calls but from unqualified prospects; radioactive credit, too many people, large pets, etc. I have gone over the applicants thinking I am the problem but I just have not found a person who will pay my rent on time and not wreck the place. I will hold firm to my high standards; it will pay off. Perhaps quality tenants have all purchased homes.

  • Flicker5th January, 2005

    I make all my leases expire between April and August. During this time, more prospects are looking, properties don't have to be heated and snow doesn't have to be shoveled.

  • rvrnorth5th January, 2005

    There are always renters looking, but at this time of year it is tougher. Have yours in top shape to stand out, consider realtors to market your property. Some take a month tho. Advertise in free weekly papers, notify major employers in your area, sandwich sign in front of property...

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