Is This The Truth?
I submitted a short sale package today. Two hours later the lender offered a deal 50% below market value.
This is the second time this has happened within in one week.
I told them that i would counter and they told me there is no need in them playing this counter game.
They are all countered out.
I can make an instant 7k from each home for four hours of work.
Can it get much sweeter than this?
I have never encountered a bank that said they give up so early.
This thing is getting kind of scary. I have more deals than i can handle.
Wholesaling these days is a fantastic happening.
Is this what the next four years are going to be about? If so, i think i have found my lottery ticket.
Good point SS,
You know what, i think you are right. Because a few weeks ago, i was hitting and missing. Now they are more than willing to deal.
Someone said before that when lenders come to the end of their fiscal cycle. They are more willing to discount.
I have also submitted several Short sale packages in the last week #1 they all have orered a full apprasial intead of a BPO .That through me for a loop .Then 3 of them asked If I could close by then end of the month . Is this the end of the fisical year?
how are you wholesaling a short sale. I have found a property and about to finalize a SS deal. however, i was going to buy it with cash, rehab it and retail. i had rather wholesale the property for a quick 5-7k. please help.
I would like to know how you are wholesaling the Ss . I would like to turn 3 to 5 Ss a month if possible /
you have to build your buyers list in advance in order to wholesale short sales.
Will the banks allow you to wholesale a short sale? Please explain how you market a home via a short sale when you are negotiating witht he lender and not knowing the final price for purchase.
I do know the final purchase price.
Yeah... Let us in...
Also use 800 number with the Q&A feature. It works wonders for short sale prospects that have moved out of town.
"It works wonders for short sale prospects that have moved out of town."
Since a prime criteria for preforeclosure short sales is owner least with first mortgage loans, how to you address/represent to the mortgagee a non-owner occupied scenario?