Is This Normal

If I find a good deal and I want to assign it, do I need to do an appraisal or inspection before I pass it on to the new buyer. Is that a part of my "due dilligence"??


  • JohnMichael6th September, 2004

    It really all depends upon what the investor wants.

    Let me give you an example of how I work with my bird dogs:

    If the bird dog just provides me with limited or little information about the subject property they will receive at most a $300 finders fee.

    If a bird dog provides me with comps, tax info, recorders info, inspection report, profit spread, and so on I pay them up to $5,000 finders fee.

    Look at it this way the more work you do the more value you will be to an investor.

    Please do not contact me about being a bird dog for me! I have enough!

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