Is This A Good Course To Learn About Apartments?

Hellow fellow Investors smile

I really want to get into the rental apartment game. I was wondering if any one has tried "Apartment House Riches" by Dave Lindahl? It seems like a really good course with lots of info and seems to explain all aspects. Any advice would be great.

I believe in learning about something before jumping in, but once you learn then go ahead and dive in head first smile


  • Eric517th April, 2005

    I have seen the course, wasnt actually there, but I borrowed it from an an investor I know in the area. Neither one of us has started in apartments (I would love to) but it seems like it has pretty good info. He (Lindahl) bought his first apartments with credit cards, he and his buddies would gather them all and take 100 thousand dollar advances on them to acquire as much as possible. Pretty crazy, but values were going up enough that they could afford to do that.

  • Eric517th April, 2005

    The course comes with a cash flow evaluator program as well. You can put in every number in the transaction and it basically tells you if it will work out or not. The program alone might be worth the several thousand dollars that it takes to go through the course.

  • mtnfrk4evr23rd April, 2005

    Hi all,
    I have heard David Lindahl speak and I was lucky enough to receive his course for free (I just happen to be up front when he asked who wanted it, I said I did "For FREE", and he gave it to me.)
    Good info through and through. Even if I did not receive it for free I would have bought it anyways.


  • happyhome23rd April, 2005

  • rei-200524th April, 2005

    thanks for all the great info. everyone.

  • rei-20052nd May, 2005

    well thats good to hear. I just ordered the home study course for it and it is very good. Explains a lot of information. Hopefully soon I will have my 1st deal.

  • ELOCK2nd May, 2005

    Hello All
    I own two duplexes nice for covering the mortgage but twice the headaches as wellas twice the expence when things go wrong.


  • Stockpro994th May, 2005

    Here is the age old question " how many properties can I buy if they are negative cash flowing $200 a month and I have $2500 per month available"wink answer (12)

    Now how many can I buy if they are cash positive $200 per month? (infinite).

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