Is There Something I Can Do?

I had a past due account with SBC. I paid the account in November 2003 directly to SBC. SBC informed me at the time that the account had been referred to an outside collection agency and that they would notify the agency of my payment.

In January the collection agency reported the account to the credit bureaus as an open collection. I disputed the account and it was changed to show that it had been paid off. However, I was told that this negative item would remain on my credit report. I’ve tried unsuccessfully to seek assistance from SBC and the Collection Agency is resolving this matter. Is there any further action that I can purse to have this item removed?


  • flacorps18th February, 2004

    If you paid SBC, the CA's showing of a "paid collection" is improper, as you never paid that CA. They need to vanish from your reports. Try a "not mine" dispute.

  • thomasgsweat21st February, 2004

    Actually it is proper because the account was placed with an agency. The fact that SBC took the payment on behalf of the agency has no bearing. It was in collections and SBC paid the collection agency a commission for that Direct Payment. It was a 'paid colllection'.

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