Is There Any Money To Be Made In Real Estate?

I have been selling wooden giraffes in a stall at a local tea shoppe/antique mall and not doing so well. Thinking about real so sure though....any thoughts? oh oh


  • jjetts410th December, 2003


    there is TONS to be made in real estate...

  • jeff1200210th December, 2003

    Chuck, Chuck, Chuck...
    Try gardening at the neverland estate, You might see someone famous some day.

  • MrMike10th December, 2003

    On 2003-12-10 17:08, chuck1933 wrote:
    I have been selling wooden giraffes in a stall at a local tea shoppe/antique mall and not doing so well. Thinking about real so sure though....any thoughts? <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif">

    I have a feeling Chuck will be joining the wall of shame very soon.

  • kmaples10th December, 2003

    There is money in anything you put your mind to.

    (Plan your work, work your plan.)

    But , to answer your question, yes there is plenty of money in RE!

  • JohnLocke10th December, 2003


    Glad to meet you.

    If the pressure of selling giraffes is getting to you, then real estate should really put you over the edge.

    However, the best quote I believe is
    "Real Estate Is The Basis Of All Wealth." so this about says it all.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • Tedjr10th December, 2003

    i am getting readt to write a book called how to lose a fortune in real estate. i have gathered plenty of equity but i can not eat it. i would love tyo trade equity for beans and some soup or even some wooden thingamajigs. how do they taste? i have a garage i could store them in. will they rot before we can eat them all? hou about ketsup and mustard or mayo too, can you trade for some of that too.?


    Hope this helps some

    Ted Jr

  • MrMike10th December, 2003

    Giraffes are the basis of ALL happiness.

    [ Edited by MrMike on Date 12/10/2003 ]

  • InActive_Account10th December, 2003

    Don't stick your neck out. Stay with giraffes.

  • DaveREI10th December, 2003


    Ask yourself this question...

    How many Millionaires made their fortune in Real Estate as opposed to selling wooden giraffes?

    Anyone can make it in Real Estate if they are willing to apply themselves and use proven methods available.

  • hibby7610th December, 2003

    I must admit...I really enjoy reading Chuck's posts' and everyones responses to them. Can't stop laughing.

  • edmeyer10th December, 2003

    In general, there is more money to be made in real estate than in selling wooden giraffes. Undoubtedly, there are exceptions to this!

  • JoanAlyce110th December, 2003

    Well, I think the problem is in your marketing. I mean is the local tea shoppe/antique mall really the best place to sell wooden giraffes or buffalos, for that matter ?

    No offense but that's not where I go to buy my giraffes !

  • InActive_Account10th December, 2003

    Marketing, hmm now that is an idea.

  • rickpozos10th December, 2003

    That was a great website!!! I have learned more about giraffes today than in all my 17 years of schooling (I was the only 23 year old to graduate high school).

    Contrary to some of the advice, you must stick your neck out when dealing with giraffes just like in real estate. It is the one who has the longest neck who eats best. Go for the top of the tree dude.

  • MrMike10th December, 2003

    If anyone is inteseted next weekend I am holding a motivational Multi-Level Marketing seminar in Atlanta.

    If is FREE and we will be covering the ins and outs of investing in various international properties.

    You guys this IS the latest thing and I can not tell you enough times that you REALLY NEED to get in on this NOW

    I will of course be taping the seminar and be offering a DVD but I will warn you that the people who go to the seminar will be at the VERY TOP of the chain and therefore get more of the PROFITS that will be made.

    Here is some more information and PLEASE tell your freinds this IS the opportunity of a LIFETIME.

    [ Edited by MrMike on Date 12/10/2003 ]

  • Ladybug10th December, 2003

    Sign me up, sign me up!!

    Great website!!!

    My daughter sold a lot of these in her fleamarket, but those were made in Indonesia! They were 8 foot tall, and sold great, no kidding! They went for $ 89.99 each, shame she only had 2 and then could not reorder, they were sold out, the wholesaler only had ordered 3, kept one for themselves!


  • WheelerDealer10th December, 2003

    i guess with your opening question . you really deserved it. no help from anyone.

    i think most people fall into the line of work that best suits there mental capacity. you know like how water follows the path of least resistance, end up in the drain and out to the ocean. Lost,swimming in a sea, only to get eaten by sharks. if your less ambitious you might even get swallowed whole by a plankton.
    Some will drift onto an uncharted island and name it afterthemselves, build a park, and charge admission.
    others will build a boat and charter there way.

    who will you be? maybe you just like to swim.


  • InActive_Account10th December, 2003

    Back to the topic at hand...there is a membership list here of about 30,000 or 40,000 individuals. I am very confident to say that there are hundreds and very possibly thousands of miilioniares in the ranks. Real estate works if you work it.

  • ahabion10th December, 2003

    you know, that would be a Question if i just wanted to know what the response would be... i mean... look at all the entertainment is in just this one post... i have to keep in mind the funny things in life at all times...

    any way... to you question... Real estate investing is a hard easy thing to do. and the best thing to do is to do what you want to do... i mean, i'm not trying to talk you you into not doing it... but its all up to the individual... its not a personal thing, some ppl cant do REI... but its more of an individual thing... ANYONE can do it... but not everyone... you see what i mean?


  • jackman11th December, 2003

    welcome to TheComicInvestor!

    there should definitely be an archive of posts like this somewhere in moderator old database land ...

  • Lufos11th December, 2003

    Well another highly qualified person to enter the field of Real Estating.

    I used to date a girl that looked like a Giraffe, Boy could she neck.

    I can see your frustration, I suffered from the same type of thing when I came into Real Estate. It was a relief from flying Fighters, at least nobody shot at me, weelll almost nobody. Of course there was the frustrated driver I cut off on the 405, he did not really shoot a gun it was a Bazooka. He missed, took out an 18 wheeler which made a pretty big mess I left my card, he wants to buy a house. Wants to trade the 18 wheeler, Do you know any short/sellers who would like an 18 wheeler with the back half missing?

    In any case welcome to our midst.


  • hibby7624th December, 2003

    Thanks Lufos....I'm still laughing! This string is pretty entertaining.

  • mstory5th January, 2004

    It's actually a little known fact, that the early feudal lords in Medieval Europe did not perfect their warring skills and build castles to, in fact, increase their gory hourding of land...but they warred for ownership of small wooden animals--the giraffe among the most prized, was at the center of some of the bloodiest battles and, utlimately of course, the fall of Camelot, the insanitiy of Louix XVI (someone in the night broke off a little wooden ear on is prize giraffe--Gerald), and the failure of Queen Elizabeth I to find a suitable husband--she slept with her giraffe.

    Thus, if your goal is to rule the known world, I recommend gaining control of the wooden giraffe trade and all that that implies.

  • Birdoggin4u5th January, 2004

    You guys are silly

  • Dvk5f5th January, 2004

    My question is what the guys like Lufos and mstory are doing in real estate, when they should clearly be stand-up comics. I think I nearly pissed myself laughing after reading this. Thanks for the entertainment guys.


  • telemon5th January, 2004

    I think you could make as much money in giraffes as real estate. It depends on the size/quantity/quality of your giraffes of course!

  • Ruman5th January, 2004

    Somebody made a million selling pet rocks. That sums up the question "Can I make money at XXXXXX"

    Think of all the things you have ever bought, but never really need... those are the true expert marketers. Now real estate is another cup of.. tea. That is a NEED-based desire... people NEED to buy real estate and NEED to sell real estate for other reasons. People don't NEED to buy wooden giraffes, your goal would be to try your hardest to tell them that they NEED it.

  • norrist5th January, 2004

    I'm considering investing in some "dot com" businesses... heard you can really make some $$$

  • JohnBergman5th January, 2004

    If you are getting your giraffes for little or no money down, you should be okay. To keep the giraffes affordable, you may want to consider owner financing a few to keep a stream of residual income. If you still have problems, I am offering a "How To Become A Millionare In Your Spare Time Selling Giraffes- Starting With No Cash" seminar for only $3000.00 USD.

    Hope this helps.[ Edited by JohnBergman on Date 01/05/2004 ]

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