is the name "birdog" professional ?.....

if someone were to ask me......."what do you do for a living". whats is my political correct title? do i call myself an investor, when in fact my money isnt going towards purchase.i know what a birdog is, but for those we know in our lives, what are other "titles" and "names" we can use to call ourselves? ooohhhh.....and everybody please keep up the good work.i am learning so much from everyone.i am intersted in networking with other birdogs on this sight.i can be reached at">
oh oh


  • Crayon3rd March, 2003

    Well frist off to network with other bid dogs get yourself on AIM you can talke to Drifter once you are on. His AIM name is drifterlrsc . So for your other question you could say that you are part of an investing team, but I think we all have to think about that question. You had me stumped and then I asked Drifter and he is walking back and forth saying HUMMMM HUMMMM so I think you stumped us!

  • way_motivated4th March, 2003

    as far as being the correct title title, i've used it to help explain to others what i've long as they people i deal with understand what i mean when i say "birddog" then i'm good to can tell others whatever you'd like, maybe "investor's associate" but i haven't heard many (if any) people say anything other than birddogging, usually people only birddog for a short period then move on to full fledge investor, so they're not stuck in the birddogging phase for too long...

  • JohnMichael4th March, 2003


    Let me see is being politically correct the right approach in REI? Not in this lifetime Son!

    If your profession is Bird Dogging Than Son be dog proud of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If folks ask what you do for a living tell them you are a Bird Dog with business card in hand of course.

    Thank about it this way, it opens the door to opportunity, you tell folks you are a Bird Dog and they just simply want to know more, opportunity Son, now you tell them what you do!

    Folks ask me all the time what I do, I simply tell them I buy stuff for a living and of course they want more and son they get it a business card, that I pay cash for real estate, and if I'm able to make a deal I will pay them $$$$$ for their referral.

    It's opportunity, forget being politically correct "It just don't pay the bills".

  • JohnLocke4th March, 2003


    I personally do not care what you call me as long as you don't call me late for dinner.

    Just saying Bird Dog without out an explaination "Ask Me" would leave some in doubt as to what you did.

    If someone were to ask you what you do for a living would not the correct anwer be "I have contacts with private real estate investors that buy houses, so when someone needs help in selling their house quickly, I can and will help them."

    Just a thought, after all isn't a garbage collector a sanitation engineer.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • mrocha4th March, 2003

    I've been thinking of that same question. What about Real Estate Consultants--Solution Providers. Please give some feedback and let me know what all of you think. I've been thinking of putting these on my business cards. Please let me know what you think or give some additional advice. Thanks in advance.

    Michael A. Rocha

  • mel4th March, 2003

    Hey You All!
    Got a real grin out of this thread---well honestly it was a chuckle
    I have to agree with John BE PROUD OF IT! and then if your circle calls for more provacative wording use $CASH$'s wording. I call those who work with me bird dogs/property finders. So you could say I am a property scout for an investment team! You know what if you take it serious it doesn't matter what others think---bcuz you will probably make more than they do soon.
    I have to say I don't find it a true statement that few stay with bird dogging---some of my bird dogs have been perfectly happy doing what they do for 1 1/2 years or more---they dream of being a full on investor---but when I tell them what my day is like, they say they are just fine where they are. A good bird dog can easily make 2-3k per mo and even have days off!!
    Thanks for the fun everyone--you are all just great!

  • drifter4th March, 2003

    the problem with real estate cunsoltant is as soon as you start implying you give advice, you are in realtor area and needing a liesence

    And I am the...

    C.E.D. of a Regional Real Property Exchange Network Building Company. (cheif executive dog)

  • 4th March, 2003

    The name of my company is My Bird-Dog, so there is no getting around the fact that we are bird-dogs.

    It usually draws the question, what do you do? This is great because you get the opportunity to plug your business and services.

    We are a professional property search company independently contracted with professional buyers to locate properties that meet their purchase criteria. Do you know of anyone selling their home, we may be able to help? Our service is free to property owners.

    Hope this helps


  • Bliss1x4th March, 2003

    Hey Antonio,
    I find myself using the term "scout" to define a birddog. There are 3 basic type of investors
    The scout (birddog)
    The dealer (the one who goes under contract and either flips the deal or assigns)
    The retailer (the investor who puts up the most money then flips property at retail)
    The scout provides us with information and in turn pays you a referral fee. That's what I would say when asked my occupation.

  • eliteprops4th March, 2003

    Hey Antonyo

    I hear you man. Hey nothing wrong with saying you are a bird dog.. I personally say Im a real estate consultant- Loan officer and at that point I just might get a deal or a loan to originate ...

    Much Success To All,
    JMC Investment & Loan

  • antonyo4th March, 2003

    hello.....its antonyo......i want to first thank everyone who responded to my question concerning the name "birdog". i am now convinced that i am not the only one in so. cali calling my self "birdog". like i said before, i am a newbie. everyone is right.......why should i be ashamed of my title. the good lord knows i want to pursue this undertaking so much. today when i came home from work, the first thing i did was check to see who responded. man....!!!! i was so surprised that people on this site really do care. cant thank you all enough . i know the question probaly sounded kinda dumb, but mr.john$cash$locke told me to ask questions, and i WILL get an answer. boy was he right. i look foward to the day i can provide help for newbies like myself. till then i will keep reading the post topics and continue to build my "BIRDOG" business. with everyones help, i look forward to the day i can call in to my job "RICH", not sick!!! thanks again to all.

  • 4th March, 2003


    GO FOR IT!!!!

    Calling in work rich, not sick, I like that. I must borrow that one.

    Bird-Dogging is a great way to begin you investment career. Here is some advice. Take it very seriously. This is a great opportunity to learn how to become an investor from investors.

    Think of it this way, they are your mentors, but they don't know it, and they pay you for teaching you how they operate. Be very detailed when collecting information about your investors and what they are looking for. Ask what they intend to do witht the property once purchased.

    If you send them a lead and the purchase it, ask why this one and not the other one. Questions, questions, questions is what I am getting at. Follow up with them once they purchase a property, this is another learning opportunity.

    This business is bigger than people think, treat it that way. You are learning the most important aspect of the RE process, locating investment property. Without this, there would be no REI.

    Good luck and don't hesitate to call on me for assistance. If I can help, I will. If not, I will try to direct you in the right direction.

    The most important piece of advice I can give: HAVE FUN - otherwise it is work and that sucks.

    To your success!!!!

  • 10th March, 2003

    I asked the same question a few months ago here's what I got back from TCI members...

  • MarkB11th March, 2003

    Are you a Bird Dog and only a Bird Dog?

    Or will you also being investing as you find opportunities to invest?

    As for myself when people ask what it is I do. Ill tell them I am an investor!!!

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