Is Anyone Familiar With...
it looks helpful if you want to purchase a home. is this dated material? has anyone used this site. what is the main purpose of it?
thanks a lot
still learning....
it looks helpful if you want to purchase a home. is this dated material? has anyone used this site. what is the main purpose of it?
thanks a lot
still learning....
I use it all the time when looking at homes etc, mostly to get some basic information and get a MLS number then get a full MLS print out from my realtor buddy. The material has always been good for me
Not a bad site. Check out some sites from re agencies in your area too. Some of them have great sites while others are useless. There's an agency in my area who basically publishes their mls minus the usual info like price history, time on market etc. It has a lot of info and is up to date on listing status, etc.
thanks folks...
but is the info dated or is it pretty current? do you know
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By having the ability to search TCI you can learn a great deal and not have to wait for a reply.
Good luck,
On 2004-12-22 12:22, frank_pat wrote:
thanks folks...
but is the info dated or is it pretty current? do you know
This is one of the largest Internet sites for active real estate listing - so yes it is current.
thanks John always helpful
and much appreciated