Investors Guidance

As a determined Real Estate investor I am contemplating which coarse to persue. Would appreciate comments from seasoned investors/ veterans.
Which course is best for my option.
I am considering the following ;

Pre-foreclosure vs. Foreclosures.
Tax Liesns.
Partnering with investors either active investors, or inactive ( $ providers).

Thank you in advace for your suggestions.
8-) 8-)


  • keoki20th June, 2004

    your question is too broad, what are your goals besides making money, are you interested in holding properties or rehabbing, or flipping deals, etc... need some details as to your specific situation. Or are you just looking for an answer...........Yes!!! to everything above.

  • Silverfox4620th June, 2004

    The primary objective will be to turn profit in a reasonable time frame within 3 mo, then in 9 month hold on some propeties for rentals.

    I am practical an logical but am looking for a realistic approach. Which route is the practicle? ex. Investors constantly complain about Flipping in the lower social econominal bracket, so which avenue should I pursue??

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