
If you are a handyman, and you are not interested in purchasing my property, then can you invest your cash and skills to help improve it for sale, wherein you would make a nice profit upon the sale??? Please let me know asap! wink


  • myfrogger21st August, 2004

    This is something that I have thought about and am sure many have done. What I prefer to do is hire work done at a slight premium in exchange for them holding the balance until I sell. As an investor this works well but I'm not sure if a contractor would do this for an average homeowner who hasn't built a reputation or relationship with the contractor.

  • Stockpro9922nd August, 2004

    I would do that however; I would be putting up the most cash outof pocket generally and I would want to see a pretty good plan and or a track record of success. YOu would have to convince me and share at least 50% of the profits. I am sure there are others out there that would do the same. Youe would need to walk the walk however and not just talk..

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