Interesting Work. Inserted New Door And Changed One Family To Two

My neighbors have begun to install doors to change the basement into a 2 bedroom apartment, therefore changing the one family house into a quasi 2 family, one person started it and evey one is doing it . Getting rental income. It is however changing the community, because the 2 bedrooms being made are renting to young people that drive fast cars and loud music.

In any case Im a realtor and looking for newly repaired homes to buy myelf or i can even list them for my tci partners. This site is great lets all make it happen. IM ME.


  • InActive_Account2nd January, 2004

    How do single family homes become multi family if the properties are zoned single family?

  • AdamR613rd January, 2004

    A lot of the converted apartments are illegal. This is a compounding problem in some areas of Nassau County in New York.

    The real estate taxes are so high that a large portion of the community has put in apartments to help cover the taxes. The people in the apartments are not paying RE taxes, but they go to the local schools pushing the RE taxes up even more to cover the non-payers. These apartments cause lots of parking probelems as well. As long as the neighbors don't complain the people usually get away with it. Who knows what is reported to Uncle Sam.

  • Lufos3rd January, 2004

    This is a common practice throughout the United States and of course was heavily practiced in Europe since the 1810's

    Of course here in the Hills of Hollywood it has become somewhat of a tradition. The normal tradition is to convert the garage into another unit a glorified single with a nice full or 3/4 bath. Then to keep it legal no stove. So a modified enlarged hot plate etc.

    Now to keep the show legal you must install a carport to keep a cover on the cars. Such an apartment rents between $500 to $900 depending on the garden, the view and the financial situation of the home owner. No picture in the offing and your last script done bombed. Grab a rentor and install him. You get a five picture deal and a blogget in distribution, you terminate the tenant and move in a housekeeper. The trick is to keep the house, just change the job descriptions of the inhabitants. As one young lady put it. "I am the Lady of the House in Good Times and the Housekeeper when things go wrong."

    So it goes. Lucius

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