Interesting Article On

Hey guys I saw this article on today ( )and thought that you might be interseted to read it. It irritated me some inthe fact that it makes Real estate investing seem like a pipe dream to most people that are trying to do it. Ireally wish that they would write some articles celebrating the successes of real estate investors rather than pooh-poohing them. Any thoughts on the article?


If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten. Success can't occur whithout taking risks, just be sure to take calculated, informed risks![ Edited by joefm26 on Date 04/18/2004 ]


  • TomStewart18th April, 2004

    It sounded like another one of those people who didn't use the 100:10:3:1 Rule to me from what I read! Most people just try to find what they think is a deal and it doesn't work out so they quit from what I have seen.

    Best Wishes

    Tom Stewart

  • jam20018th April, 2004

    Man, I gotta admit, I agree with MOST of the points in the article. If you work at it, you can make good money, and even get wealthy with real estate. However, you can't just attend a seminar, and think you're going to walk out the door, and make a million overnight. That's foolish... You GOTTA work at it, and HOPE you can break even in a year or two, 'cause you're GOING to make some expensive mistakes. I can't imagine anyone that hasn't made them. It's the price of an education in the real world. The GOAL, I think, is to be able to LEARN from your mistakes, and not repeat them, so you can invest better in the future, and make instead of losing money.

    It's like the old joke. How do you make a million dollars in Real Estate? Have TWO million to start with! lolol

  • Samw18th April, 2004

    MP Dunleavey is an alright personal finance writer.Usually she sticks to personal finance and does not take up heavy subjects as how an industry is headed and such.

    She is reporting the common perception of how real estate works and why it is not for common folks. But then she does not know about TCI. I mean while there are charlatons out there out to get your money,there are also focused set of people,like here who want to help you realize your real estate goals too. Its the Half Empty,Half Full way of looking at things.

    [ Edited by Samw on Date 04/18/2004 ][ Edited by Samw on Date 04/18/2004 ]

  • JohnLocke18th April, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    She should stick to articles like in the link below, because if she thinks John T Reed is the industry watch dog because the Realtors endorse him and why wouldn't they, less investors makes sense to them.

    Talk about some hefty Real Estate...

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • DaveT18th April, 2004

    The best line and the bottom line of the story is attributed to Mark Wilson of NC,
    He believes anyone can make big bucks from real estate if he or she is willing to take action -- not just sit on the sofa listening to tapes.

    It appears that Ms Dunleavey's mention of JTR is a direct result of his canonization by the National Association of Realtors.

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