Input on Bird-Dog Websites, Please!!!!

Hello fellow b-doggers,

Could you give some more input on some websites? The great Drifter is in the process of designing some websites and needs some input.

He is helping me out because my other site is not to friendly to those with the dial-up modems. So, he is making it lighter for that reason.

Also, he is creating a site for himself. Please be kind and drop some information, suggestions, or assistance. You can view both at

Thank you for your assistance!!!!


  • JohnLocke27th January, 2003


    Your site is shaping up very nicely, I always let the pro web guys, do my sites, they start talk some of that programming talk and I just shake my head.

    I have been asked to review serveral Bird Dog sites, as you know MSN has been having some proplems so my email in not working correctly, so if I do not get right back, Call Bill Gates and tell him to get it together.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • woodchuk27th January, 2003

    Looks great so far! I'll keep checking to enter site once links are active. I'm looking to fund my own REI by bird-dogging on the side for income (in the atlanta area). Good luck to you! Great start so far.

  • dbow1727th January, 2003

    The two sites as of right now... look fabulous. Furiousinc, congradulate your friendly programmer... he has really given your new site a professional yet attractive look.
    The second site looks fantastic as well. I'm looking forward to seeing the final product!

    All this coming from a former designer... I think the graphical aspect is right on target.

  • 27th January, 2003

    All praise should be directed at Drifter, you will see him floating through the TCI site. For some reason, he doesn't believe he is good at this.

    I know, I know, he is great at it, but he doesn't believe it. Drifter, you are really the man. Great Job!!

    I am frightened of the final outcome, it maybe so good I might not do any work and just stare at it all day.

    Hey everyone, keep the comments coming and check back because it is developing into the final product.


  • HoGiHung27th January, 2003

    Most artist are their worst critics.

    Site looks very nice. Very easy to read and the flow is nice. I need to get working on mine this week.

    As long as that nasty SQL-Slammer virus leaves us alone, I will have time to bird dog and work on my site.


  • drifter27th January, 2003


    Ok - I first touched photoshop 2 years ago. I thought as a programmer I need to know enough graphics to get by. Some of the senior graphics guys taught me a few things.

    I then spent several weeks at home creating sites and bringing them into work and showing my bosses - hoping for something - maybe just to expand my skills. Anyway - after about 20 in a row then ended in the recycle bin, I gave up. So when we build your site, it will be my first design ever built!

    To me, the excitement of having one of my sites built is worth the work! And I hope it makes a million bucks.

  • realestateprofit27th January, 2003

    Yo! I've been a web developer for a while and seen the good and bad sites out there. For yours...I have to say.....NOT BADDD! Nice color coordination and use of graphics fellas. Keep up the good work.


  • a87quadNJ28th January, 2003

    Not sure if you were looking for this kind of feedback, but on the birddogsub.jpg
    you have "Real Estate Comision" as one of your navigation choices (on the left hand side). Shouldn't this be "commission"?

  • 28th January, 2003

    You are right, I missed that one.

    All feedback helps, thanks a bunch.

  • Tanner30th January, 2003

    Site looks great when will it be up and running. I'm anxious

  • 31st January, 2003

    Hey Tanner,

    thanks for the kind words. The site should be up and running in the coming week or so. (Hopefully) I am really dragging my feet in that area.

    The amazing thing is that my temp site is generating responses from investors as well as sellers. I haven't done any advertising for it. I guess the leads are coming from TCI.

    I really, really love this site. Thanks TCI family.


  • JohnMichael31st January, 2003


    Great looking start, I love the dog.

    Keep in mind that advertising is not proper, advertising is made to reach the mass and you are on your way.

  • Heidi7012th April, 2003

    You mispelled the word "essence" on one of your pages, other than that, it looks great!!!!

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