
Does any one have any idea how to have the roof of a property inspected without a home inspector. Thanks in advance, all response are welcome.


  • sappster28th March, 2003

    Hey Alpha Rome,
    First do you have access to the house?
    Do you know anything about Roof joist?
    Or structual members?Do you understand
    the language of an errors and omissions
    Policy. Then it would be in youre best instrest to spend the money for the inspection.Dont share liability!Theirs an old Jewish proverb goes something like this "Sue everyone standing"

  • shawone228th March, 2003

    what does a home inspector charge.

  • sappster28th March, 2003

    Depends on where youre at, in Philadelphia $250 to $400. Hope this helps.


  • AlphaRomyo29th March, 2003

    Yeah I am getting a home inspector in for this one since its my first, but just wanted to learn ahead for the next one in the future. Thank you for the knowledge.

  • BAMZ1st April, 2003

    Hi AlphaRomyo,

    One of the best ways to learn is to surround yourself with an expert. So when you hire one (Professional Home Inspector), ask them lots of questions while they are inspecting the property.

    They will tell you what to look for in a good and bad roof, termite damage, old wiring, etc. Once you learn this information, you will know how to gauge your interest (and offer) when looking at potential properties.

    Even though, I feel that I have a keen eye for overall property condition, I still hire the professionals and make my offers contingent upon their findings.

    Best of Success!


  • Vern2nd April, 2003

    Alpha, before you spend one penny on an inspection of a roof. I will tell you this, "A leaky roof will show it's tail every time."

    Just walk around inside and look up at the ceiling. If the roof is leaking you will be able to see the signs as clear and day. Paint can not hide the signs.

    On the other hand if you are concerned about the quality or the useful life of the corrent roof, again you should be able to get some idea of how old and the condition of said roof.

    You should be able to get a good idea about the condition of the property before you put in an offer to purchase. If you don't trust your judgement in these matters, get a friend to go with you until you can do it by yourself.

  • AlphaRomyo4th April, 2003

    Thank you very much for all the input. Vern thanks, never really thought about doing that. Another question for you. How much does it cost to put in a new roof? Knowing the house being 1500sqf. Thanks again.

  • 4th April, 2003

    Hi Alpha,

    About your roof inspection....if that is the only thing you are concerned about I would have a PROFESSIONAL inspect it! Meaning, get a qualified, licensed Roofer out there to inspect the roof.

    I have dealt with MANY home inspectors that don't know sqwat about roofs. We were selling a house and the buyers had a home inspection. The inspector said that the roof needed to be replaced. The buyers then called a roofer (recommended by their agent) to inspect it, and yep of course it needed a new roof at the tume of $4600!

    I had already had my roofer inspect this roof, he said it had lots of life left, only a few minor things he would change. So I asked him for his price to totally replace the roof. His cost was $2200. But he said for a small fee ($275) he would make the minor repairs and give a 5 year roof certification. Meaning if anything went wrong with that roof in 5 years, he would fix it FREE.

    The buyers wouldn't go for it, they walked because they were brain washed by their agent. We still had our roofer do the roof certification and we had the house sold in 7 days to another buyer.

    Bottom line is, I don't deal much with Home Inspectors. They know alittle about alot of items. I have professional contractors in each field (i.e. A/C, Electrical, Plumbing, Roofing, Pools etc.) come to each of our houses and inspect the things they are licensed in. Some charge a fee, some don't, but in the end it costs me the same or less than if I had hired a Home Inspector, and I know the items were looked at by professionals.

    I can't tell you how much my roofer alone has saved me!

    Get good contractors on your side and you will save a bundle!

    Just my 2 cents


  • Vern4th April, 2003

    Alapha, as to price for 1500sqft. You will find prices ranges from 2,200 to 4,600. It all depend on who you get to do the work. The higher cost roofer does not mean you are going to get higher quality work.

  • AlphaRomyo4th April, 2003

    Wow that makes a whole lot of sense huh? Get a professional roofer to inspect the roof. I don't know why I don't ever come up with this on my own. Thanks once again everyone.

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