Info Packet To Give To Homeowners

I was wondering if anyone gave the h/o an info packet when they had the initial mtg for a prefroreclosure. I was thinking a list of faq (which i'd apprec some ideas for this), list of movers, apartments, etc...along w/ a business card..

Any thoughts on this marketing idea




  • adambeal14th April, 2004

    I am giving out, when I meet people, an article about foreclosure and a tip sheet on ways to keep your home. Of course, at the bottom of this, there is a paragraph saying that if all of these suggestions fail you, then we would be interested in purchasing your home from you. I also have a credit repair manual that I photocopy and put together for about $3 each. I just sent out my first one, to a homeowner whose home was just sold at auction. He called me after I mailed him a letter after the auction. I included a letter saying that I hope that this manual helps him now and in the years to come, and that I wish him luck trying to redeem his home, with a reminder that should this not be possible for him, that I am still interested in purchasing his home.

    Personally, I like the idea of trying to help people keep their homes if at all possible, rather than looking like an equity vulture. I think it's important to build trust. If they are lucky enough to be able to get through this trying time and keep their home, then maybe when it does come time to sell, they'll think of me. And by having given them this info and offering suggestions to them, if they can't save their home, then maybe they'll view me as worthy of their trust and will sell to me rather than another investor (as I'm sure that I'm not the only one to have contacted them). grin

  • moneywise4th April, 2004

    thanks for your input! Well said! You sound like someone I'd really trust if I were in a situation such as foreclosure. Has this approach worked for you? Sounds like you'd get alot of phone calls


  • adambeal15th April, 2004

    I don't have enough data to say that this works or not. Let's give it a few months and see what happens. Good luck! grin

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