Incorporating to do Subject To Deal's

I am currently incorporating my business and was curious how it would effect techniques like subject to's. Has any of the savvy investors here had a problem with this or is it pretty much the same.? I assume the deed would be in my corporations name? Have some investors used both their personal name and their corp business entity as a method of gaining more leverage. For instances buying hold properties under a corporation and doing sub to's under personal name. I have though in the future I would operate a rehab company, a managment company, and maybe others. Any helpful advise would be appreciated.




  • MrSmooth25th October, 2002

    What state are you in. Sometimes it is more feasable to choose an LLC over a Land Trust. But if I was going to hold the property for a short time, I would probably do a Land Trust. Of course I would get the Land Trust contract started up by my lawyer.

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