In The Process Of Eviction

Three tenants have co-signed the lease. One of them, Regina is paying the electricity bill and gas bill. Today I'm filing eviction against the 2 since Regina has had an agreement with me that she'll move out next weekend. She said when she moves out, she'll disconnect the electricity and gas. I wonder if that's legal for me, as the landlord to leave that disconnected while the other two are still in the house. Or should I push them to get the bill back on their name? I am in Columbus, OH..


  • kfspropertymanagement12th July, 2004

    I know as a lanlord I need more information before I commented .Why is the one moving out? Has the rent been paid?

  • OverAnalyzer12th July, 2004

    One of the tenant, Regina (the mother) has found a house so she is moving out next weekend.

  • OverAnalyzer12th July, 2004

    The rent for current month July has not been paid.

  • kfspropertymanagement12th July, 2004

    Are the 2 remaining tenants worth wild to keep? Have you spoken to them about why the July rent is late? How long is the lease you have with them?

  • OverAnalyzer12th July, 2004

    They're not planning to make any payments since the guy lost his job. I will file the eviction tomorrow. and right now I'm selling the house by myself while they're there. I've told them if I can sell the house in a month, I will forgive all their debt to me, that'll include this month rent, next month's rent (lease expire in 08/04), and all late fee, etc. Do you think that's wise?

  • kfspropertymanagement12th July, 2004

    To be honest with you I would never had revealed my cards to the tenants about letting them get away without paying the rent. I dont know what the rental laws are in your area but in my area you can file a 3 day demand for payment if they do not pay then you can quickly move onto the next phase and have them evicted by the court. One thing that I noticed is that you said your selling the house maybe offer a few bucks to the dead beats and get them out now so you can clean it up and prepare it for new owners <new owners might put in the contract that the tenants are out before closing with you>.

  • OverAnalyzer12th July, 2004

    Here is my rationale why I offer them the debt relief. I am possibly moving out of the state in a couple months. So actually this is a good time for me coz I want to sell the house out right and not be stuck with a out of state landlord. I've served teh 3 day notice and am still doing the evition. But I don't want to wait till they move out, worse case in about a month, then I start selling the house. I want them to be on my side while we're waiting for the hearing. So I don't waste all these time. To be honest, if I can sell it in 1 month, I really don't care about the $1000 rent, plus I heard the chance of collecting the money is slim. I've got their forfeited $4000 option fee in hand so I can afford to not pursue the lost rent. I know it's not perfect, but my goal is to sell the house.

  • kfspropertymanagement12th July, 2004

    Oh well you didnt say you had the 4,000 option fee in hand makes it a little different then. Thou im not to sure how much the current tenants are going to react to the eviction and wanting to work with you it could back fire on you since they have nothing to lose, you already have the 4,000 I would as soon as possible move to get the hearing done the longer they're in there the chances increase that something could be done to the place. But hey if you got them on board with the not going after them for this months rent then good for you but as I said before continue to have them removed.

  • OverAnalyzer12th July, 2004

    I am with you, that's my plan too. Thanks!

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