In a short sale.....?

I've got the basics down about short selling. What i'd like to know is what the owner is usually offered to accept the proposition? My understanding has it that in this situation you would offer "U-Haul" money, say $500?

Correct me if i'm wrong.


Vic cool grin


  • Rudolf23rd January, 2003

    I'm not fully understanding your question...

    Is your question:"What makes a person accept a short sale on his property?"

    I would think its the situation he is in.
    You have to prove to him he hould be better off selling at a loss.

    Did you confuse me, or vice versa?

  • TheShortSalePro29th January, 2003

    Most short sale approval closing instructions require that the Seller receive zero proceeds from the sale. Any 'U-Haul' money would be by separate agreement.

    The motivation for a Seller to participate in a short sale is to avoid the loss of the home at a forced, public, foreclosure sale, avoid further financial liability, and prevent additional damage to his future creditworthiness.

  • realestateprofit29th January, 2003

    That's the answer I was looking for. I had imagined this was the way it would work.

    I like the short sale concept...might have to use it one day when the opportunity arises.


  • DwanBent-Twyford1st February, 2003

    When negotiating with the homeowner, ask them what they need to start over. A lot of folks just offer U-Haul money as you stated, however, make it win/win for everyone.

    When we deal with homeowners here is what we say........ we were doing some research and we noticed your property is facing a pending problem. We specialize in helping folks just like you in diistress. What can we do to help you?

    This opens the door for dialogue and for us to determine what they need to feel good about the deal and to move on.

    The best way to give the homeowners cash is to use a "bill of sale" for a service. For example pay them for "debris removal" or yard work. You can also pay them for appliances, furniture, computers, etc. Be sure you don't write a bill of sale for $10,000 for a stove. It needs to be realistic.


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