Improvements After "quit Claim"

Does anybody know what happens to improvements made on a property after a quit claim has been receieved, recorded but later found to be invalid. Are the costs/value of improvements lost as well as the property.


  • jhgraves11th September, 2003

    It is hard to make a blanket statement, it will depend on your jurisdiction. Just curious, but how was quit claim deed found to be invalid. You may have an argument for unjust enrichment in equity if nothing else. Try to work it out and if no luck, see a lawyer.

  • murtishi11th September, 2003

    The quit claim deed I have has not been found invalid. It was received from a person representing an estate. My concern is making improvements on the property and, in the future, having a beneficiary of the estate challenge the deed. Further, if there challenge was to be successful, what happens to any improvements made on the property.
    By the way, located in Illinois

  • jhgraves11th September, 2003

    If you received a quit claim deed from the administrator of an estate, one way could be to send notice to the heirs and have the probate judge, as we say in Oklahoma, "call it good." If the administrator gave you the deed on behalf of the estate, without preferential treatment or other breach, you should be okay. I wouldn't be overly concerned about losing your investment. As an investment there is risk. If you know an attorney that will do it on the cheap you may want to do a quiet title action specifically naming the estate beneficiaries. Some thoughts. In my experience a little money spent on the front end can save expense defending yourself on the back end and can also save you the pain in the a** dealing with mad benis can be. My two cents. Good luck.

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