Ideas For Lumpy Mail?

I'm looking for any good ideas for something to stick in my envelopes to get the lumpy mail effect? I handwrite all my envelopes and seem to get a decent response (about 3%). I want to try and increase that # and figure getting more letters opened will do just that. Any ideas for something that would make sense to stick in a pre-foreclosure letter?


  • 64Ford11th September, 2003

    What about some tacks? (Too sharp?)

    I can think of several catchy phrases that would tie into pre-foreclosures...
    Don't be tacked down to your mortgage

    Let me take the sting out of your pending foreclosure

    Just an idea...

  • aybe12th September, 2003

    I dont know if this is wierd but one way to get your letter noticed and make it lumpy... you can crumple up a paper and put a catchy phrase on it or something.

    A friend of mine told me about this trick he used to get his mail noticed. He said that way it would not end up at the bottom of a pile... and it would definitely make the person think... "Hmm.. what the???" and that way there is a better chance of someone opening the letter.

    Dont know if this helps... let me know what you think of this idea though.

  • DaveREI12th September, 2003

    what are you printing on? think about it!

  • Natnacole225th September, 2003

    I've had great response from putting Lifesavers candies in the letters. The first line of the letter to read: Need a lifesaver?

    The only downside is we had to increase our postage to $.60 each so that the post office will hand sort otherwise the letters go through a machine that can tear them apart.

    Good Luck!

  • sammiecat25th September, 2003

    Somewhere in this website there is a section on marketing ideas. One person said he did well by sending keychains to people. One side said "I want my OWN home" and the other said "To buy a home" and the logo. Probably is expensive. Also, the marketing gurus say to get attention by using yellow (gold) envelopes and black text (like school busses, construction signs and McDonalds)

    Food (no pun intended) for thought.

  • JohnLocke25th September, 2003


    Glad to meet you.

    I would check with the Office of Patents to see if anyone has patented a Lumpy Envelope if not you may make look at taking out a patent on one you design.

    Then you could advertise to creative investors - first patended Lumpy Mail Envelope to increase your response rates.

    Maybe a catchy title like "CREI Marketing Sachet Packet" with the lumpy mail look.

    What did you expect it is my nap time.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • stellahughes25th September, 2003

    I would try creating your letters using unusual sized envelopes (buy the letterhead or paper to match the size of the envelope) such as the square ones that are now available. Use a catchy phrase (if you want) such as "Does your mortgage have you feeling boxed in?" For me, I would rather not have mail coming that tells my mailman (and possibly my neighbors if dropped in the wrong box) that I'm in foreclosure.

    Just an idea.


  • fauche6529th September, 2003

    Keychains, Fridge Magnets, Pads of paper (Post-it size), and Pens all work well.

  • lorien29th September, 2003

    Heh, lumpy mail....i read this topic headline and thought of Wally's friend on Leave it to Beaver *LOL*
    sorry, my mind's not on real estate atm!!


  • MrsMeltzer29th September, 2003

    I just bought a pre-foreclosure. The lady told me that she received a bubble wrap envelope with a CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE inside.
    She didn't open any of the other letters, but she did open that one.

    Mrs. Meltzer

  • InActive_Account29th September, 2003

    how bout printing some envelopes with the front looking like a check?
    just thinking 'bout what I would open....

  • thomasgsweat30th September, 2003

    We actually use that technique for Collection Letters. (Yes, I am in the collection industry. Please don't throw rocks at me.)

    You would need to use a window envelope.

    The paper needs to look like check paper and the name/address should be printed (not handwritten) so that it is the only thing visible through the window.

    Just a return address, no name, on the envelope. Or use a double window and print the return address.

    This type of mail needs to look like someone is sending you a check so throw out the 'personal touch' that we so often go after.

  • thomasgsweat30th September, 2003

    As I was typing the last message I realized that I actually know something about this topic. Or least someone who does. Everything that we have used in the Collections world applies here, when it comes to getting mail opened, that is.

    I have a call into a friend of mine that owns a print/mail shop for collection letters. They held a focus group with a bunch of debtors in Chicago to determine what would get opened and who would get paid or at least called. He called it 'The Deadbeat Report'. I need to revisit what he found out in that research. I know that his open rate increased dramatically and his clients revenue from letters increased also.

    For years I have been pounding my head trying to come up with different methods of mailing to increase my return calls. Well to get that to happen I need to increase my open rate first. It's funny that I already knew one of the answers and just never brought it over from the other industry.

  • rcummings27th October, 2003

    Another way to get people to open your mail is to go to your local office supply store and buy the greeting card envelopes, the padded (that come with the little bubbles in them), and the invitation envelopes. People will wonder what they are getting and won't really think "junk mail" especially if you hand write the info and use a stamp (not meter)

    Hope that helped~

  • Twinky143228th November, 2003

    Keychains are good and also, try ordering some of those little magnetic or sticky calendars where your business card is on the top. Everyone will use a cute little calendar and you will be in front of their faces for the next year.... plus you never know when they might need you!


  • Zach28th November, 2003

    If you invest in Pontiac, Michigan, crack cocaine might not be a bad idea. In fact, after consuming it, they would probably be very willing to make a deal with you for just a little more! Z[ Edited by Zach on Date 11/28/2003 ]

  • Lufos28th November, 2003

    In preforeclosures you have two problems in mailing. One to get them to open the letter and then now this is the hard part read it.

    Mail Item I. Copy the mailing envelope that delivers the NOD. Inside instead of a full NOD you use the same type style and font. says the following.

    Attention Property Owner. Under California Law you are entitle to a free consultation by a qualified Real Estate Advisor whose name and telephone is herein listed. Call him and explore your options. Signed John Doe.

    Variations on the above are many but thats the essence. The call rate is heavy, but remember The next part, Your voice on the telephone. Soothing, smooth, disarming, friendly, radiates helpfullness and is capable of getting the person in trouble to make an appointment so you can sit down (see the house) get the true underlying problems which caused the foreclosure.

    A true description of the voice is that the possession of this tonal quality makes it possible to convert a Dominican Nun who has taken her final vows, to Scientology without deifying Ron Hubbard or even reading Dianetics..

    That worked for me. Its my best. but I have about ten others. To bulk an envelope you buy 24 wt paper, very white smooth (good for photos but not that expensive) You print your message. in 16 to 18 pt type bold. You Are Entitled To One Free Counseling Session. name and telephone number of Counselor.

    Then you fold it several times, then unfold back to three fold and it bulks up.
    Insert it in the envelope, lick the flap and now the important part put the stamp on.

    Luck Lucius

  • jpchapboy28th November, 2003

    I was at the key cutting machines (which incidently make lousy keys) at Home Depot some time ago and noticed a big bucket of keys that were already cut (probably from re-keying new locks) I bet they'ed give them to you if you ask and then tape one to your letter and say: "the KEY to avoiding forclosure" or something catchy like that. The key will go through the mail machines and people will notice that it is in there, I bet any lock smith or home improvment warehouse would have a bunch of keys they can't use. Let me know how it works.

  • Lydia9th March, 2004

    Home Depot said they had to turn in the "miscut" keys for credit.

    Did you do a web search for "lumpy mail?"

  • Lufos9th March, 2004

    I did a lot of PsyWar while free riding around in aeroplanes for dear Uncle Sam.

    In Korea I am the sneeky person that designed the leaflet that was very very effective. Written in Korea we rained them down on the battlefields. It was very well done and allowed a Korean Soldier or Officer to Surrender.

    Yes that was it. He was entitled to one free surrender. All he had to do was raise his hands in the air and hold the Surrender Pass in one hand. It also promised Free Kimchi, all the food he could eat, imediate promotion to full Major and of course my favorite promise. Swift transport to the rear area in which there were beautiful camps with hot and cold running water and oh yes. Ladies, no not the usual cheepy kind but the real stuff the $100 and above. It worked, so well in fact that they asked me to stop. Seems I filled up all of the existing prisoner of war camps. Of course my next leaflet was pure garbage. In the Korean society the time of falling leafs is the time of death. So for my next little trick I had B-29's dumping out leaflets that looked like leaves. and written on the Leaves in classic Korean " This is the time of falling leaves. The United Nations are advancing, prepare for death. It also worked very well, I had some excellent recommendations. I also had a few detractors. One General Insisted that Col. Foster had single handedly literaly cleaned up the Korean Battle lines. Yes Toilet tissue was in short leaflets made a most timely replacement. My sanitary efforts were frowned on, I thought it was funny cause on the leaflets there was also imprinted the Flags of North Korea and their good friends the Chinese. Each act of sanitary accomplishment did insult their flags. Oh well I tried.

    Years latter in China while partying with some of my erst while enemies they said nice things about my leaflets. Now why did they keep spitting in my face? Must be some strange local custom.

    So anyway when I started mailing to Pre Forclosures and I wanted them read, I did the proper thing. I copied the envelops and mailing pieces that the Trustee mailed out when sending notifications of Notice of Default. Yes I copied the envelopes with the little windows and I put in almost a complete duplicate of the NOD. Just a few little changes. I put my telephone number in and informed them as a person in foreclosure in the great State of California they were entitled to a free counseling from a qualified counselor specialy trained in Real Estate and Foreclosures. Yes that was me. I set up a well trained teenager to answer the calls. They made the appointments and I went out and called by appointment. It was a lot easier then just ringing doorbells. Besides the dogs did not bite and I did not suffer secondary concussion from the slamming of a biggy door.

    I mean guys, and yes you gals. why go thru all the crap, cut to the heart of the matter. Ride in on the mailing that caused all this grief and commotion the actual Notice of Default, duplicate it and lead the dowfallen newly delinquents on to glory all thru the one time special free appointment with Lucius da Foreclosure Specialist.

    Its been a long day at the building department they called me names. Said I was trying to disrupt the Real Estate Market by making houses out of old steel containers. I mean $25 a sq ft. seems it is a crime. I think the Termites have a lobby. I know one of them is a Plan Checker. He has a slogan. "If it aint wood it is really no good." I could stand that one. But when he handed me a can opener. Well that was a bit heavy so I bit him. Yes he was a Termite!

    Cheers Lucius

  • mcole9th March, 2004

    So, how about it Lucius?
    A low level fly-by, with a bunch of Stearmans in formation?

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