I Want To Thank The People On This Site...

I am the guy who will stand up for things and who will not go with the norm, and at times have butted a few heads with the people who run this site...but I would really like to say that the people on this site, including moderators are some of the best anywhere.

Why do you ask am I saying this? Am I in trouble with them? Am I trying to kiss a little booty? No, not at all. But tonight I did put a post on another real estate site, a post which was funny and just something I did because I was bored. Not only did I get slammed and basically yelled at, but they completely deleted the post with no reason. Honest to god, this post was about harmless as it could be and I really saw how much people lack a sense of humor and understanding.

At least here when you do something objectionable, they confront you and give you a chance to speak (and yes I have seen some blatant deletes at times) but overall you still get a chance to speak your mind and I respect that. This can't be a place where certain people control all the messages and information to only how they like it, or it wouldn't work.

I'm sure I will still continue to butt heads and shake things up, but I appreciate the people here letting people like me do so as long as we know the limits.

Christian "The Solutions Kid" Beebe


  • bigdreamsgary4th November, 2003


  • Birddog14th November, 2003

    I'll drink to that bigdreams

    "Luck, is when preperation meets opportunity."[ Edited by Birddog1 on Date 11/04/2003 ]

  • classimg4th November, 2003

    Now - That's the spirit, so spread the 'LOVE' and attract individuals from other websites.

    We have an outstanding opportunity to extend the face of investing with this website.

    We enjoy the level of participation.

    Eric & Rosa

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