I am new in real estate investing. I went to a real estate investing club and while it was interesting to get the pulse of what else others in my area might be thinking, I was turned off by the structure of the event, which was four or five experts making five minuite presentations which ended up being sales pitches. Is there a concrete way to learn real estate basics hands on without spending a great deal of money. I am spacifically interested in rehabbing as I have a construction background, have money and decent credit, but it seems like where I live in Los Angelos the market is up and there is a lot of competition. Or am I just too new to see the oportunities? Any thoughts?


  • gtrzndrums9th January, 2004

    Read the books, most of these speakers that have high paid courses sell books. Just by the books. Make sure they are to date and represent knowledge in your state.... that can be a real problem for you guys in LA and other areas. Example...You would have a hard time believing that I myself buy homes in St. Louis for $4,000 to $6,000 and put 3-4 thousand in them. The best part is I get $600 a month rent for these crappers from section 8. I don't think that happens in your area, so again find Authors that represent your market to a point or you might be learning trades that are way off base for your area.

    Join a RE club in your area!

    Find a mentor... Did you ever think about calling the guy who has the "I buy houses" ad in the paper and shoot the crap with him. Maybe offer to treat him out to a nice lunch. If he runs from you fast, he's for sure the guy you want, so pour it on thick and say "common, help a guy out....I'm buying, I just want to ask you how you did it."

    This sight is great,I love digging through the forums on specific interest.

    hope that helps

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