I Need This D E E D!

I located a piece of propert y in Texas. come to find out that the homeowner has expired, leaving only one son. There are no listings or numbers on him, but the house is several years behind in taxes. The property has a comp appraisal of 45k with no mtg, any suggestions on how I can obtain this deed B4 it goes to a tax sale? oh oh


  • rickpozos31st January, 2004

    Contact the son. Talk with him. Find out if there is a will. If not get him to do a Affadavit of heirship. Now he owns the property, buy it from him.

    Not quite that easy, but those are the highlights. You must talk with the son, though. Get him to give you his rights to the property.

    Use a skip tracer to locate the son.[ Edited by rickpozos on Date 01/31/2004 ]

  • homeinvestor31st January, 2004

    Are you familiar with any in Texas?

  • Tedjr31st January, 2004

    www.Deadleads.com is one i have heard of. Search google and you may find others

    Good LUCK and Thank You
    Hope this helps some
    Ted Jr

  • cpifer31st January, 2004


    Do indeed check out www.deadleads.com - the owner is a member of my real estate invesment club and a good guy to boot.. By the by - ahem- how come you are not a member of ourr Dallas club?



  • cpifer31st January, 2004

    You may want to check into purchasing the tax lien yourself and then foreclose on it. If the kid isn't paying the taxes, the property code allows you to purchase the taxing authorities position. A property tax foreclosure also wipes out all other existing leins.


  • homeinvestor1st February, 2004

    I am a part of your club! I was at the last meeting about the co-op. I'm on your "A List".....Do you know me know?

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