I Need Some Creative Ideas

I have a family in foreclosure, 6 pmt behind $1200 ea. for a total pmts, late fees, atty fees, etc. almost 9k to bring current. After the 9k home will have balance of about $110k. L/O is what I plan to do. I can probably only get about 6 or 7k as a down pmt and make about $100 per month over the pmt. I need some creative ways to get that 9k down to a manageable sum so that I can take home a little cash when T/B moves in.
I dont mean borrow the 9k or put it on a credit card either. What would you do???


  • jackman4th November, 2003

    you better get moving and make money on other places until you get your 9k.

    about that $100 a month over the note ... what happens when you need a plumber or the panel box needs changed or you're vacant for a month or two in a year .. your overage in say, 6 months isn't enough to compensate for one month of vacancy or for any real repairs that you'd need.

    just a thought.

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