I need help with my MH, I am at a loss at what to do

I have a MH and these people are buying it on contract. Well now they have bought a house and have decided that they cant make 2 payments and are trying to get out of my contract. THe loan is still in my name and we cant afford to pay both either. So they are saying they are going to rent it out and still pay me and I dont have a choice in the matter or if we can find someone to buy it. Well we found someone but they said they cant get a loan for 6 months..maybe and want a contract. My first thoughts are NO WAY. What is going to happen when we give them a contract and they cant get a loan in 6 months?? Do I kick them out? What should I do? Do I just let them rent? Either way I am going to be screwed. Should I just let it go back to the bank?? I dont want to do that cause my credit is just getting straightened out? I am at my end..I even told them if they can sell it for pay off then we will be even, that is $2000 less than what they owe on contract. I hate to be mean to these people they have been wonderful in paying etc..but they are pushing me. What should I do..PLEASE HELP!!!

If anyone here wants to buy it I am in IN.

Karen M
IN[ Edited by rwkem on Date 05/31/2003 ]


  • JohnLocke31st May, 2003


    Glad to meet you.

    I am not interested in buying your mobile home but I believe I can help you with your situation, not that big of a deal if you listen to how you should structure a deal creatively.

    Private e-mail me your phone number hear at TCI, I will walk you through the proceedure.

    From one Hoosier to another. Well used to be Hoosier.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • Sassykid10083rd July, 2003

    John, You are the bomb! I have seen alot of investors who would give SOME insight on this type of need, But for you to go on the wire and offer to help via personal advice and not exxpecting a fee. I am more than impresssed and this post was definately the decision maker for me. I believe you are genuine and not "GURU" as mot people like you get labled. I only hope that your help will be ther for me and others when need too.
    Good luck rwkem I am sure John can help you...

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