I Need Financing

Have a deal lined up, having a hard time finding financing.

13plex (small commercial loan needed)
GOI- $67,560
NOI- $59,829
(tennants are paying for water, sewer (Landlord gets the bill and tennants pay 1/13th each), their electric, and heating, I believe each unit has baseboard type heating)

Purchase Price 440K
Down Payment 88K (20%)

Down payment is from equity partner (My Dad) who doesnt really want to be on the loan.

Me credit scores are-
Equifax- 652
TransUnion- 672
Experion- dont know

I make around $1000 per month so I cant use my income to prove that I could pay for this.

Anyone want to make 8% on their money amoritized for 40 yrs w/o charging me tons of points? I will consider balloons 5 or more years out.
We need to move on this one.



  • benny22228th October, 2003

    Click on the Lenders tab at the top of the page


  • cpjassocitates30th October, 2003

    Please contact me I am an easy mortgage consultant and I may be able to help you with some creative financing. I can send you info and a application. Please see my profile and email me.
    [ Edited by cpjassocitates on Date 10/30/2003 ]

  • selissa30th October, 2003

    hi, my name is shauan short and i can help you in your current situation. email me at : **Please See My Profile** and send phone # so I can call you to get you rolling. Have a blessed day! <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_wink.gif"> [ Edited by selissa on Date 10/30/2003 ]

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