I Need Education On The Performing Subject-to Deals

Hi I am a newbie and I will like for investors on this site to educate me on what it is about, what to watch out for, paperwork needed and perhaps recommend good programs or manuals out there I can use to educate myself futher.

I appreciate your efforts in advance.


  • ypochris7th December, 2006

    This is way to general to get a response, but since you are a newbie I will tell you how to go about learning what you want to know.

    First, read everything that has been posted here during the last year. Take lots of notes while you write out a checklist of what you have to do to get a sub-to deal, and another list of the paperwork you need.

    Now you are ready for your questions. Anything you are not clear on, ask about that specific detail and people will be happy to help you. While you are waiting for a response (it might take a couple of days to get a good one) you can read last years posts on the forum. Perhaps you will find the answer there, or new questions to ask.

    That would be the best way. No doubt someone sells a book on the site covering sub-to. You could just buy that and read it. But no one is going to type out the book for you, which is what it would take to answer a general question like you asked.

    Enjoy your reading, and good luck!


  • enaohwo17th December, 2006

    my bad if I came along too general. I am just wondering if someone can refer me to a good book or manual buy an investor that covers the subject efficiently

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