I need a few good Beta testers for TCIRealty v2.0

Anybody game? You will have access to TCIRealty v 2.0 before anybody else has access. I need about 10 testers to give me feedback on the usability, functionality, feature requests, etc, before TCI Realty v 2.0 will be available to the general public.

You can just reply to this topic and I will set you up.


  • noblephi18th April, 2003

    Hi Joel,

    I would like to try it. Hook me up!!
    do you need email addy?

  • JohnLocke18th April, 2003


    The moment I read your post I immediately ran down and purchased a pocket protector.

    Now I are one. Beta Me Bud.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • kmransom18th April, 2003

    I can help beta test

  • rajwarrior18th April, 2003

    Sign me up, Joel.

  • joel18th April, 2003

    All you need to do is click on MyTCI and you should see another icon in there for My Properties.

    I am pretty sure everything works, what I need is feedback on if any features of properties is left out or not.

    Members should be able to post a property that is for rent OR for sale. So check to see of both scenarios can be fulfilled.

  • calnu2918th April, 2003

    Hi Joel,

    If you're still looking for a few more beta testers, I'd be happy to assist.

    Please let me know.

    - Mark.

  • joel18th April, 2003

    WE have johnlocke,kmransom,rajwarrior,calnu29, Ladybug, dsanderfoot, Vincenzo, daven11 so far.

    Any more??[ Edited by joel on Date 04/18/2003 ]

  • Ladybug18th April, 2003

    Sure, I'd be happy to help. Sign me up for the Beta test!


  • dsanderfoot18th April, 2003

    Count me in if you haven't got your 10 already.

  • 18th April, 2003


    I would be very happy to participate!


  • daven1118th April, 2003

    I've always wanted to be a guinea pig

  • joel18th April, 2003

    Has anybody found any features it needs?? rajwarrior, found a couple of bugs, already in it. We have fixed those.

    Any scenarios can you think of that wouldn't work with TCI Realty. I thought up another scenario is Mobile Home Parks. Although I don't know how many people will be buying and selling M H Parks.

    Would MH buyers be buying and selling here??

    Also what about raw land or commercial property, what other things are needed to have an informed purchase on that. (I only have rental units)

  • LynLinz19th April, 2003

    Hokey Doke I'm game

  • calnu2919th April, 2003

    Hi Joel,

    I added some test data tonight and wanted to pass along my preliminary input. How would you like us to submit feedback (post here, email, PM)? For now, I will submit it via PM.

    Also, have you considered providing beta testers with a template (text doc) showing how they should submit their data? As for me, I created my own. I currently have five sections:

    * Property Details
    * Home features
    * Community Features
    * "TCI REALTY v2.0 ALPHA" view
    * Misc.

    I simply make notes under the corresponding section as I go. I don't have a ton of feedback as yet but then again, it's after 10:00pm here and I'm a bit brain-fried after my day.

    Be peaceful,

    - Mark.

  • qrmiller20th April, 2003


    I'm a newbie but have years of business experience. I would love to have a shot at "Beta-ing" your program!

  • StaceyWyatt20th April, 2003


    You still need a guinea pig let me know?


  • joel20th April, 2003

    Calnu29 has the right Idea.

    I the beta test, there aren't some features emplimented yet. I just need to look at it from more perspectives than my own. There are different venues of Real Estate Investing, and I want to make sure I cover most of them.

    Paper Mortgage Investing will not be in this! This will be another tool at a later time.

    Also Tax Liens will be a different tool at a later time. Sorry guys, one step at a time.

    With all of you guys entering in properties, make sure you enter in legitamate Cities, figures and numbers. I will try to be making the actual search criteria later on this week.

    Calnu29 also came up with a good suggestion as to make a preview page to see how your listing is going to look. Great Idea! Keep them coming.

  • SKHunter1st June, 2003

    I would be interested in beta testing too.

  • joel1st June, 2003

    TCI Realty v2.0 is up and running. No need for more BETA testers. Please go to http://www.thecreativeinvestor.com/TCIRealty-index.html

    or add in your property here

    http://www.thecreativeinvestor.com/Your_Account-index.html[ Edited by joel on Date 06/01/2003 ]

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