I'm unclear on something

I have read all the tax lien articles that I can find and I don't understand how the process works and how you make money off of them. Could someone please clear this up for me.


  • cjmacks22nd June, 2003

    Hi David,
    John Beck offers a course on this subject. I bought it earlier this year and found it very informative. It explains pretty much all you need to know to get started in the tax lien business. The price is $56.89 and this includes 7 to 10 day delivery. If you aould like this course, here is his address.
    John Beck's Free & clear
    12843 Muscatine Street
    Arleta, AC. 91331

  • tree22nd June, 2003

    Reading the posts on tax lein investing reminds me of info I'm not sure everyone is aware of. I have been funding HML's through my self directed IRA for 2 years now and and find it's a great way to re-coup the huge loss suffered when all my assets were in stocks. I'm earning 16% and it all goes into my IRA, tax free until I retire. I'm amazed at the people I meet who seem to be financially astute but feel this is "risky". The worst that can happen is, I might end up owning an under valued property. If anyone is interested, check out www.trustetc.com. You can also purchase properties through your IRA. Forrest

  • Lloyd22nd June, 2003

    I feel that these days the real opportunity in a tax lien sale is finding financially distressed homeowners. It's true that a large percentage of tax liens are redeemed before the sale, but many are not. Some of those could be motivated sellers. Do a postcard mailing to the list right after it is published and see what happens. The tax lien might just be a symptom of other financial problems?

  • rajwarrior22nd June, 2003

    David, I'm not really up on tax lien investing but have heard that NC is not a good state for it.

    If you have money to invest in tax liens, I'd consider becoming a hard money lender/private investor. You should get the same potential (good return, possible home if defaulted) without all the hassle.

    Roger[ Edited by rajwarrior on Date 06/22/2003 ]

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