I'm NEW So I Can Ask Several Dumb Questions

javascript: x()javascript: x()Hiya,
As the title said, I'm NEW at this Real Estate thing - esp. foreclosures/ tax purchases, etc. So, you Einsteins, to make things short (no sappy narratives from me) here are a few questions that I would lke to pose to everyone here. Since I'm a cheap bah-staad, all ideas posed should be free (or very nearly free) solutions. I'm sure all of these questions have been taken up in a past topic, so if you wanna point me to another topic/forum, that's cool too:

1) Tax Sales: I know to go to the courthouse & do my 'Due Dilligence', but what makes a good 'package' of Due Dilligence?

2) Tax Sales: Is there a web site, public record, etc common to all/most county listings? For example, in my area, Atlanta, one county, DeKalb, has all of the tax sale info on-line, but you must go to a separate bldg to research any liens/encumberances.
In Fulton Co., however, you can only get basic info about properties on-line & you must go to the courthouse to do add'l research on an antiquated computer system called 'Oasis' - but if you can figure out the system, (or bug Lynn, the nice lady working there) you can get all of the lein info at the same location.

In other words, what is the easiest way for me to research properties (for free)? Can I get most of my research done at home? (for free?) Does it make more sense to (oh gawd, I'm actually thinkin' it)
pay someone to do the research (is that known as a title search?)?

3) Tax Sales: In my case, I'm planning to go mainly to tax sales, by county Tax Commissioners. When I win the bid for these properties, I own the physical property, correct - not just lein certificate, etc. Again, I am going to auctions in Georgia. Please let me know if I'm off the track on any of my understanding of buying properties this way.

4) Tax Sales: What types of liens, encumberances (am I using that term correctly?) are likely to exist? Will I be able to find them all with my courthouse research? Or are there other possible leins that could exist elsewhere?

5) Others: Are there some questions that I should be asking, that I haven't yet?

As I've exhausted my dumb-question fuel, I'll stop there....for now. I'll be baaack.

Thank Ya'll


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