I Have My First Property Under Contract, NOW WHAT?

What is the next step for me? It took me almost 8 months to get this first deal. Now what is my next step? Are commercial deals pretty much about the same as the sfh & multi's to get flipped? Are there as many investors for commercial properties as there are for the sfh's? I have so many ?'s but I want to keep this short so it won't get mistaken for a book.

Thank you confused


  • tbelknap15th October, 2003

    What do you mean what is my next step. You shouldn't be signing up anything without know your exit strategy. I don't know anything about your deal so it is hard to comment. Is it SFH or commercial you signed up. A little more details and someone here may be able to help you.


  • arollins3015th October, 2003

    Thank you for your response. The deal is this. One of my bird dogs intro'd me to this guy who owns a store. Convenience store near Fair Park in Dallas, TX. He wants to retire so I talk him down from $180-$200k all the way down to $100k cash purchase and he'll walk away. I have negotiated on sfh's and nothing ever came thru-but this commercial property did. I checked the tax forms and his income from this convenience store averages out to around $30-$34k per month--The area is very busy especially during fair time in dallas. So what info I was reaching for was is my exit strategy still the same as for a sfh? He is very motivated to sell this store and does not want to list it with a realtor. I saw it as a very good deal and did not want to let it pass because I am unsure of which way exactly to go. I want to flip this to someone who wants to purchase a store & either run it or sell it (whatever). Is my marketing the same? Any ideas or advice appreciated.

  • fauche6515th October, 2003

    Post an ad in the paper and in any commercial business publications. Same idea as a SFH. Just make sure you can justify all the numbers to a potential buyer. The deal may have sounded too good to pass up to you, but it may not look good to a seasoned commercial investor. Just out of curiosity, why did he (seller) give up 80-100K in the deal?

  • arollins3015th October, 2003

    Thank you for responding with some suggestions for me. I asked him if I could get him all cash what is the least amt he would take. He told me $135k. I asked if I could get him $100k by the end of November 2003 would that be acceptable. He agreed to it. I agreed to it. I got some important info from him and I had afriend of mine go over some stuff with me and we decided it was definitely a good deal. I will be contacting Dallas News, Green Sheet and the Ft Worth paper on tomorrow. Again thanks.

  • hibby7615th October, 2003

    It's not how much he makes it's how much he keeps.

    "his income from this convenience store averages out to around $30-$34k"

    I assume that this is gross. What is the NOI??? If the NOI is only $500 you're getting taken bad, even if he came down from $1,000,000

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