I have Buyers for Houses FLYERS

I'd like to start right away with the Litter the Street campaign and I was wondering what most of you Bird Dogs are using for a flyer?

Are you using a modification of the postcards in John $Cash$'s eBook?



  • 7th March, 2003

    I have my own little mock up flyer that I am using, but that is not really the issue.

    The issue is that you get up, get out and try SOMETHING!!! Don't fall into paralysis by analysis.

    The truth is I am on my 3rd or 4th flyer design. I am not seasoned enough to tell you this works, or that works. With that said, I can tell you that your flyers are doing no good sitting on your desk, or worst, in your brain.

    Make up something, anything, and get it out into the hands of the people. My very first flyers, printed up 800 with the following:


    You might be thinking, I thought you were bird-dogging furiousinc? I am. This flyer was made before I decided to bird-dog, therefore, I was going to jump right into buying. I found bird-dogging, then began to do that, but these flyers were just sitting in the house and I didn't have any at the time. Well, I got, got out and began putting flyers on cars and in hands. I got calls from those.

    The Moral: GET OUT THERE!!!!

    Have fun

  • JohnLocke7th March, 2003


    I gave you advertising copy in my E-book that has worked in many markets. Advertising is sometimes test, test, test, until you find what draws the best for you in your market.

    But, "Fetch" is right you must do something, flyers are fairly inexpensive, so testing with these is realatively easy.

    Let's remember you are growing your business, nothing happens overnight, but as you continue to advertise the results will start building.

    If I read one of your posts right (Bandit Signs), you know a few of the politicians in your area, you should stop hanging around them, it maybe stunting your growth.

    Go for it girl, get them out there.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • HeidiWhite8th March, 2003

    Thanks for the encouragement. It's true - got to get off the dime and take action.

    Despite my belly-aching regarding advertising expense, I did note today when I re-read the eBook, that John recommended only advertising on Sunday if you're on a budget - so I did that.

    One ad, this Sunday in the San Diego Union.

    I Have Buyers 4 Houses
    REI Bird-Dog Call XXX-XXX-XXXX

    cost: $38

    I know 1 week isn't enough time to test, but there's an investor meeting next Thursday and I wanted to have a presence in the paper.

    This is exciting - thanks to this site and John and Furious for making Bird-Doggedness Dog Gone interesting.


  • HeidiWhite10th March, 2003

    Results so far of single classified ad placed on Sunday.

    1 call: Newbie REI investor, just curious....and she wanted advice on a subject-to she was working on.

    Oh well - better than 0 calls, time to spend mo money.


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