I feel like I am spinning my wheels!!

Good Morning.

I was wondering if anyone knows of a good "system" for locating REO's. I keep going to different web sites like bargain.com and the ones that give you free access but there isn't any contact person for some of them and I am not sure if I can just ask ANY realestate agent to submit my offer for me or if I am supposed to hunt down a particular broker for each one. I e-mail something like 25 brokers off of reonetwork.com and asked them for a list of REO's they have and only one wrote me back.. and she only had 2!! AAARRRGGGHHH I am so frustrated. I need REO's now and lots of them so I can make offers and hopefully get at least ONE! Someone please tell me what I am doing wrong and how to do it right. Should I call the banks and ask for a list? (but I always read that they don't want to deal with the public..they like brokers??!) Help!!

Thanks a bunch,


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