"i Buy Pretty Houses" Newspaper Ad

Hi. I am thinking of expanding my marketing to the newpaper. I am specifically looking for sub-to deals...so I thought an "I BUY PRETTY HOUSES" ad would target my sellers more (and differentiate me from the other ads in the paper).

Any thoughts? Has anybody tried this? Or how about "NEWER" instead of "PRETTY"?

I'm also comfortable with wholesaling...but I haven't done any short sales or rehabs yet. Thanks!


  • molotov30th January, 2004

    My two cents...I dont know that it would make a big difference. The whole point of the ad is to get them to call. By putting 'pretty' in there, you may get them thinking, "Welllll ... my house is OK ,but not PRETTY" and then they call someone else.

    I have had a I Buy Houses' ad running for 3 months and get about 2 calls a week. Some real bona fide sellers, some curious, some with mobile homes, some who want to know if I do loans ... all over the map. Put the ad out and see if it works; if it doesn't, change it.


  • HOLLERatG1st February, 2004

    "Pretty" doesn't tell me much if I'm looking to sell my home in a hurry. Advertising, in order to be effective, needs to target exactly who you're looking to do business with.


    Now that would get my attention. Put yourself into the mind of the seller. Once you can do that, you know what he's going to say or do before he does. It turns no's into yes's. More importantly in your case, it gets the phone ringing.

  • InActive_Account1st February, 2004

    I put several different ads in my local paper. One states "I buy pretty houses" , another states " I buy good,bad,and ugly houses". I use different phone numbers for each ad. Test a different ad each week and see what works for you.

  • Neill74th February, 2004

    I am all for testing ads.

    But my first guess is that it may make someone with an ugly house call someone else.

    Not what we want.

    Why not just write,
    I WILL BUY ANY house?

    Dont you think that would grab them?

    Good Luck,


  • Hawthorn5th February, 2004

    Your best chance is having your Ad read different from the next one, while still appealing to motivated Sellers.
    When you place your Ad, plan to keep it running for at least 6 months.
    Change the words around a little bit from time to time, and see what works best for you.
    It takes a while for the calls to start coming in, so keep at it.
    Good Luck.


  • MarleneM5th February, 2004

    I'm getting good response with:

    I buy run-down houses for cash.
    Then I give me name (female) and number. I get about two calls a week. People call with all sorts of offers - owners, agents, both.

    I also list the ad in the health equipment section and the attorneys for hire section - figure I might get attention from the people who are looking for these types of services and not just those thinking of selling their homes.

    So far it's been worth the investment.

  • Locutus95th February, 2004

    I've got a friend who just ran that "I buy pretty houses" ad and got a beautiful prospect out of the first week. I've got an ad running in the same paper, saying "Need to Sell That House NOW?" and haven't had a bite in weeks...have had some good bites around Christmas, though. Point is, just get ads out there, test the ads, and keep them out.

  • tinman17555th February, 2004

    Having owned several businesses throughout the years. I've had my share of good and bad advertising. I even owned a tanning salon for nine years. I would test certain ads in certain areas. For my car wash a coupon made people come ten miles away. For the salon a free session had the place packed. For wholesaling properties zero money down works the best for me. I also try certain types of papers. I have noticed more people call me from little ads in local community papers than big ads in the Pgh Post Gazette. But one thing for that definately needs to be done is the tracking of your ads. That will determine how you should advertise.


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