Husband and Wife on Deed Divorce Situation HELP!!

Ok, I have a Land Home package
The Land is 3/4 acres with a DBL Wide on it in a newer Mobile Home subdivsion.

Well newer than most in the area this one is around 10 years old.

Ok, 10 years ago the lady paid 10,000 for the land or 3/4 acre lot.

From market comp it is worth 14k or more.
I just offered and was accpeted at 5000 cash for the land.

The deed for the land has both Her and the husband on it. There was a divorce and She was awarded the land and Dblwide.

On the MH She is the only one on the title now, he was removed.
However on the deed to the land She has papers showing She was awarded the land but on the actual deed they are still both on it.
Is the court papers that show She has been awarded the land enough to hold up and to get the land in my name?

Anyone ever deal with this?


  • JohnLocke14th March, 2003


    Even though the divorce papers show she was awarded the land, her Attorney should have prepared a Quit Claim for the ex to sign and had him sign it.

    The title company will be the judge as to whether the tranfer can take place with just the divorce papers. However I think you may find that the ex will have to be taken off deed through a Quit Claim.

    If you can prepare a Quit Claim Deed for the ex to sign, have her Attorney send it to him, this will carry more weight. But first you can check with a title company to see what they require.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • MarkB15th March, 2003



    I had already told Her we could do a Quit Claim... what through me was He is in prison and wasnt sure how to handle that.
    I think what I might do then is tie it up via a contract so that it cant be sold out from under me subject to his interest being assigned over to Her.

    Then close!!!

  • HeidiWhite15th March, 2003

    Husband in Prison?

    At least you have a captive audience.

    Sorry - couldn't resist....He may need an $$ or cigarrette incentive to sign a Quit Claim Deed.

    Good luck

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