HUGE investment team says "THEY WANT ALL B-DOGGERS"!

I from West Chicago, IL and in the pursuit of assigning a contract I came in contact with Investors called "The Chase Team". Supposedly they've bought and sold 502 houses last year and have over 80 investors they work with.

They told me about lock boxes they use on their homes to allow investors to get in to look at properties and how they have a team of Lawyers, Financial Advisors, Accountants and so fourth...

They're working the numbers on my house and seemed very credible but...?.well, you know. They also seemed to "imply" that they wanted to utilize my services as a birddog and any experienced birddogs would be welcome in their organization.

Anyone with any knowledge of this company, please post a reply.

Thanks, Clif
cool smile


  • frankCA14th May, 2003

    COME ON PEOPLE lets give this post some input. If this is the wave of the future, how will you feel when it hits your town????????

  • JohnLocke14th May, 2003


    I don't have a clue who these people are or what they are really about.

    What I do know is that it sounds like whoever does this will be one of the flunkys working for them instead of for themselves.

    They contacted you on the Bird Dog side I'm sure they have an investor side also making the same promises. Any pro investor worth his salt would not sign up with an organization like this one.

    I have always dealt directly with my Bird Dogs, they were never just a number to me, but a person I could help and guide to reach their goals.

    Clif, if you buckle down and quit spending time chasing rainbows you are going to be very successful in creative real estate investing because you have the desire to do so. I am behind you 100% in your efforts to succeed, so let's look for our own deals, or own Bird Dogs and not rely on every investing scheme that comes along. You are on the Sub 2 board you see deals being done.

    Do I have to put the proverbial boot to you know where to get you going?

    Have faith in yourself and the method, the rewards are there.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • GaryM14th May, 2003

    As you know I haven't been a member very long, but I have learned a lot just reading your articles and posts to other people.One of the most important things I've learned from you already is to find a method of investing you are comfortable with and use it and learn as much about that method as you can,then as you gain experiance, try new methods.Information overload is one of the worst things that can happen to a rookie investor,I know from personal experiance!! If you find property that you can't make work talk to other investors,they maybe able to show you what will or you can flip it to them and move on.
    Thanks John,One day I hope to buy you a glass of Dom!!

  • pbodys14th May, 2003

    Hey John,

    Sometimes the proverbial boot is needed.
    My focus IS there, just need to tie up loose ends.
    Thanks once again.


  • JohnLocke15th May, 2003


    You had better be out doing lots of deals because when I tell you what year of Dom I drink you will need plenty of deals to cover the bar tab.

    John $Cash$ Locke

    PS: Looking forward to it someday.

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