HUD Announces $2.3 Billion in Grants

I found the following at CNN Money, and thought I would pass it along to my feloow creative investors:

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced the availability of more than $2.3 billion in U.S. government grants to assist homeless persons, produce affordable housing, stimulate economic development and protect children from lead poisoning.

The grants, just reported in HUD's fiscal year 2003 "SuperNOFA" (Notification of Funding Availability) include 43 separate grant opportunities available to local governments as well as nonprofit, faith-based and community organizations.

The funds will compliment the more than $30.2 billion HUD also allocates to communities through block grants, housing choice vouchers and other formula-based funding.

This year's funding notice explains the application process that will ultimately award:

$1.822 billion in targeted housing and homeless assistance;

$241 million in community development funding; and,

$231 million in economic development

(see complete funding chart).

"We hope this year's 'SuperNOFA' gives our partners everything they need to expedite their applications," said HUD Secretary Mel Martinez. "We've worked very hard to refine the application process to make it less of a burden so that in the end, we can all more effectively serve those in need."

The 2003 SuperNOFA from HUD will also include everything an applicant needs to prepare their funding request. For the first time, applicants will no longer be required to seek additional information from the Department that is integral in completing their funding requests. This one-stop approach will greatly expedite and simplify the application process.

HUD's FY 2003 SuperNOFA grant application packages are available on HUD's website at:

Note to Nonprofit Applicants

To ensure that community-based and faith-based organizations have equal access to funding opportunities, nonprofit applicants will be asked to fill out a short survey that will help the Department gauge how accessible HUD programs are.

Performance and Results Must be Demonstrated

Following the goals set out by President Bush's Management Agenda, this year's application process will place a greater emphasis on measuring performance and demonstrating results. Whether an applicant intends to produce affordable housing, engage in economic development activities or conduct lead hazard control, they will be asked to articulate their short-term goals and the long-term impact of their programs within their communities.

As with other federal government grant programs, HUD's application process will require applicants to establish clear goals and create methods for measuring how they are meeting them. When it comes to federal grants, please remember, there is no 'free' government money.


  • Lufos27th October, 2003

    Dear 64 Ford,

    I appreciate your drawing the Grant expanded program to our view. God knows I would certainly like to make use of it in my present time endeavor to produce affordable housing that will not end up replicating existing slums.

    So I made a few calls and when I got through it is my considered opinion that my time could be better spent just raising money from normal investment oriented people.

    What further reinforced my thinking was the call I got late this Sunday evening. The nice man a lobbyest from DC. wanted to know if I would like to employ him to represent me at HUD as he heard I was involved in trying to create Low Cost Housing. He quoted a figure that was very very high. In exchange I would have to form a Non Profit Corporation and if possible unit it with a Church Group and that entity would then be in a position to receive a grant about twice over what I would need. He was sure I could utilize the overage sum.

    I thanked him and hung up. I do not want to be a non profit corporation. It is true that there are times in my life when I did not make a profit, but I am damned if I will structure an organization for that purpose.

    So anyway tomorrow I am just going to go to the bank and borrow the funds myself.

    Lets see, Shirt, Tie, Jacket, shoes are optional. etc. etc.

    Cheers Lucius

  • Elynda26th October, 2003

    Well, if they call "grant money" that is mean you don't have to pay back. If there is no "free government money" that is mean is a loan money with a low interest (1% perhaps)?

    It is very confuse when it is come from the government. Said one thing and meant something else. Is there anyone in government who say one thing and mean it.



    • Charleen26th October, 2003 Reply

      I don't think so. Looked at all the grants stuff and none of it makes sense to me. No one to contact !!!!!!!!

  • Charleen29th October, 2003

    Contacting Hud does,nt help. It is almost impossible to get any information from them. I thought Hud helps people get homes, but communicating with them for this purpose is almost like useing a different language. Now that I think about it maybe that would be my best chance of getting any help. or information on programs avaiable to the common person

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