How to Write Classified Ads that Grab Motivated Sellers like a Bear Trap

Secret Classified Ad Formula Sucks in

Motivated Sellers and Buyers Like a Tornado!

Part 1

This lesson will reveal a classic formula for writing rivet pulling classified ads that will be irresistible to motivated sellers and buyers. You need both to pull off the most creative deals.

It assumes you have a basic understanding of where and how classified ads should be used for best results. But just in case, here are two hard and fast No No's that many people are not aware of:

1-Never use Classified ads to sell things for money.

There simply is not enough space in which to justify cost, no matter how minimal.

2-Classified ads should not be about you, your company or your product!

Apple Widget, the finest widget made. Trustworthy and Honest American Craftsmanship. Order yours today!


For maximum results, Classified Ads should be placed in publications that target your particular market; fishermen, gardeners, golfers, web marketers etc. It makes no sense to try to sell bird food to alligators.

Classified Ads should be used only to identify prospects that are interested in knowing more about how you can solve their problem.

The more emotionally powerful the problem being addressed, the greater the response to your ad. By responding to your ad, they are giving you their permission to send them more information, thus beginning the sales cycle.

The next step might be for you to send your full sales package, it might be another intermediate but progressive step like a video, depending on the cost and/or complexity of what you are selling.

Among the most effective sales methods is to place an Autoresponder link in your Classified ad as opposed to a website URL. With a web URL, you have one shot, they buy or leave your site.

The Autoresponder of course is an automated way of delivering information repeatedly, over a period of time. I do not consider free autoresponders containing ads for other people's products or services to be professional or effective. They make you look like an amateur.

Ok! We are going to concentrate on teaching you a formula, that with all the other factors in alignment will dramatically increase your responses.

We said double your responses, but some studies have actually shown a 1700% difference in the pulling power
of ads written according to this formula and those that were not.

First, let's look over the shoulder of someone scanning the classified's. Studies show that most people only scan the headlines. This means if you don't have a great headline, your ad will not be read.

THE HEADLINE IS THE AD for the ad, you could say. What will catch their roving eye? A great big emotional benefit! More money, Sex, the solution to a problem, a promise of a brighter future; How to: Lose Weight Without Dieting...Get a Big Raise...Win at Lotto, etc

The headline should promise the Current Ultimate benefit for your target group's Current Ultimate Want! Let me explain. Every group, bakers, mothers, writers, internet marketers, property owners etc. has problems or intense desires. Your job is to find out what your target group's Current Ultimate Want is.


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