How to Use REI Guerilla Marketing for Profits!

So what Exactly is REI Guerilla Marketing?

Here are my Five P's:

• Proposition (AKA USP): Unique Selling Proposition is the WHAT & WHY YOU ...
(the importance of this USP is spelled out in my 'RE AD Developer' eBook available here on TCI)

• Product: offering the right product or service for your market.

• Price: selling for an amount deemed worth it by your target customer.

• Promotion: communicating a message that leads to sales.

• Place: distributing your product or service to locations where users can find it.

REI Guerilla Marketing involves developing strategies in all of these areas but first by defining a USP (Unique Selling Proposition).

If you as an RE Investor have more than one target market, you will need to do a somewhat different strategy for each market.

In other words:

Get the right message at the right price in front of the right customer and your deal's will flow like water.

Even after all is said and done the above definitions don’t include your most-vital ingredient: PASSION – this is spirit or emotional mix which completes marketing.

Next week look for my article on 'How to Keep Mktg from Sinking Your RE Biz Like A Rock?'


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